I was winning the last invasion with over 3b I kept checking scores to stay in the lead then in the last 20 minutes 3rd place suddenly jumped to over 4b, tried to catch up but they then jumped again to win with over 8b…how is this possible and if so what is the point of any of us playing the game when people can just invent their own scores.
OK I came second but am now completely disillusioned with the whole game.
they probably collected a bunch of guild bot rewards
And it looks like that guild bot is too high
If you have several members who are active in invasion, or even one or two who are really active in it, you can get a guild bot’s level over 10,000.
Even with a high guild bot level how does that explain an instant jump in the score of over 4b
Step 1. Beat the high level guild bot a couple hundred times without collecting the rewards.
Step 2. Collect the rewards for all 200+ bots at one time in the closing minutes of invasion.
Step 3. Watch your standings jump as the game finally adds the points from those bots to your total.
Step 4. Profit (?)
My friend, these days the guild bots are 200k+
With few breakers members scores jumps by billions
Oh, no doubt, I’m just saying that a player’s score jumping by billions doesn’t even require a bot that insanely high, so pretty much anyone in a Challenger-level guild can do it.