Invasion difficulty bump was way too much

Title says it all but. I dont use the forums, I look at them occasionally but not always. Im literally making my first post ever because this is a huge problem.

As a player on server 16, Invasion went from being one of my favourite game modes, that felt rewarding and fun with a decent and reasonable difficulty curve, to a mode that I literally can’t even play anymore because every enemy is orange or higher (which means their power level is above mine no matter what, our server only JUST unlocked orange level) So the power scaling just went right out the window completely. Every enemy is at bare minimum level 80 or more with at least 8k+ power.

This isnt a case of me needing stronger heroes either or getting “better at the game” or anything like that, Im keeping up as best I can around level 77 and I’ve played for months, the previous invasion mode difficulty was hard but still reasonable. This current change makes it impossible for any player to reasonably play the mode at the level its unlocked at (60.) Why was this done except to alienate players from what is ostensibly one of the most fun modes in the game?

This was a really bad step in a really wrong direction. The game did not need to get harder in this way when the mode was perfectly balanced beforehand (and still was challenging as it was!)

Edit For context. A level 76 Merida (purple 4) at 5 stars with invasion boosts shouldn’t be completely unable to harm a level 80 Captain Jack (orange 0) at 3 stars.


Invasion difficulty is set by the max level of the server. If your server got a bump, then invasion will be harder.

Apparently that’s the case but I really think that needs to be looked at.

The server (16) JUST got level 90 unlocked in 16 but all of the invasion enemies are well over level 80. Considering the mode unlocks at level 60 for players, that means new players just literally wont even be able to tackle the gamemode at all when it unlocks and should be tiered off of player max level rather than server level.

My husband who just started this month wont even be able to play it at all by the time he hits level 60, especially if the mode scales that way with the speed that level extensions are being released for the server. It takes so long to grind up to even 80 (i’m almost there but its a lot of work!) that as a player who had the difficulty basically perfect for the last 3 weeks, (challenging and fair) to have them bump it up so everything is orange and 20 levels above me, makes it impossible for me to enjoy it.

Nevermind new players who now wont have a reason to even try the mode.


I have to echo the OP here.

I really enjoyed Invasion—highlight of the game to me, something I would push every week to progress through. With the nerf to rewards, I didn’t care—I just enjoyed Invasion itself, and still looked forward to it.

Now our server got a bump. Day 1, stuck on sweep 4, all my blue heroes are KO’d, and already burnt up 10+ revives.

Not fun at all, PerBlue. I’ve left other games for lesser things, and I doubt I’m alone. Careful alienating those of us who aren’t leaving because of the rewards nerf.

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Not sure who it is “so hard” for. What toons are you using? Even when my server got a bump I was still able to complete all the tiers. I did demote since I stayed at 110 and a lot already hit 115 that week, but I was able to get back into challenger the next week or so.

About my case, even though I know my Blue heroes (Elsa, Olaf, Shank, Stitch and Alice) does the least damage in Invasion but this is the first time ever they couldn’t finish off a lv 10 boss in 1 fight. Except a 5-star Alice and 4-star Elsa, the others are all 6 star, and they are at least O2 for that matter. And btw, they are all lv 108

This is insane. There is no way my heroes are that weak. I need a serious answer for this. Have you guys increase the difficult of not only breaker quest but also the bosses as well, @Polaris?

Is it possible that the damage justs seems so low cuz other trials have Nick, Jack Sparrow, Merida, and Maleficent??

The last Blue Invasion, I totally defeated a lv 10 boss. I mean, they are the weakest boss out there. So even my Blue team is weak, this is impossible. Unless, you know…

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Well the last one had Merida, when I posted this thread originally so that’s definitely not it. And the current one has Zurg who outside of being made of paper is really powerful as an endgame dps.

@AgentGoofy Whoopdie doo, you’re not who this thread is directed at then I guess. Here in server 16 we just hit level 90, and are about to get bumped to 95.

Eventually its possible with the right team and boosts to get through invasion, thats how the mode is, you can totally stat check your way through it. But here’s the deal. The mode opens at level 60 for everyone. That means that players who before had to fight heroes at purple and around their level to start with now have to fight heroes at purple that can go up to 30+ levels above their max. And even with boosts its hard to keep up.

Dolphin players can keep going. Whales can keep going. Newer players or f2p grinders who’ve been here for a while dont have a chance.

Your experiences are not indicative of the whole, try not to be rude just because you have heroes well over the limit of most other servers.

In server 16 there is a LOT we dont have access to, in a lot of the other servers like 18 who are now getting hit with this this week? Its not fun for a lot of people.

@Yunno If you’re still having trouble, as mentioned prior, check out Zurg if he’s an option for you. We dont have access to Shank or Alice on our server so I cant speak to their strengths but my current team (Olaf Buzz Jessie Zurg Woody) Works wonders (Woody’s purple skill makes zurg p unkillable and he’s able to dish out incredible damage.)

How about you take your own advice right there buddy.

So what heroes are available on your server? Maybe you are just using a bad combination. Please let us help you out.

Invasion is an endgame mode and the difficulty of invasion increases as the the level cap. It’s not supposed to be easy. I and a lot of other enjoy a difficult pve mode where we can’t just put it on auto and blaze thru it. I agree, newer players will and should have trouble in the mode. It’s an endgame mode. F2P like myself should be fine if they use the correct comp and have some patience.

And if PB were to lock invasion for servers like yours that aren’t 100+ yet, I’m sure there wouldn’t be topics like this, but topics complaining about not having the mode at all. So they are going to take crap either way. I’m sure y’all would rather have it than not. If that’s not the case, maybe make a case to PB that you don’t want the mode and see how that goes.

Just wanted to point this out and laugh a bit. Not being rude. Want to give a Heads up, zurg will be useless very soon.

You really have no interest in being nice or even reading the rest of the thread. I’m not the only one here complaining about the difficulty spike.

As I’ve said before, its possible to do with enough boosts. Thats not the issue. Its that the bar of entry is rapidly increasing beyond what the bar of entry is supposed to be for the mode.

I dunno who hurt you to make you like this but seriously, like I said, your experiences and feelings are not indicative of the whole. And your push to make other players shut up because their oppinion is different then yours, and the whole “accept what you have it could be worse” spiel is abusive.

Seriously, Were here to have fun with a game we enjoy, and the change was a step in the wrong direction. This is directly in line with the hundreds of other players who feel the level cap increases are coming too quickly (they are). The mode should be partly balanced around the intended bar of entry and scale up to the max. Not start out at orange tier with heroes buffed well and beyond their measure.

Perhaps you’d prefer a different forum/game atmosphere than this one, have you considered picking up League of Legends?
I feel you’d really enjoy it and dare I say it, fit right in. :slight_smile:

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