Invasion- Implementing a Slider so other Guild members are unable to attack your Boss if you do not want them to

In my guild, we have had difficulty coming up with specific rules for when we can attack each others bosses. At the beginning of Invasion, players normally like to be able to kill their own bosses on their own, without help. If there could a slider implemented, like the sliders in options, such as to turn sound on and off, that would allow a player to have their boss not available for other guild mates to attack, this would be very helpful. This way, there would be no issues with players having their bosses attacked by others when they are wanting to kill the boss themselves. What do you guys think?

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The whole idea of invasion is that it’s a guild event. Whilst I understand wanting to claim as many rewards for yourself as possible, it kind of goes against the point of invasion.
Anyway, by spreading out all the bosses as allowing several people to attack (and ultimately beat) as many as possible you will actually find that across the whole guild, more people get more rewards.


Welcome to Forums!

Some members in my guild had this “stop stealing MY bot” mentality at the beginning too. The correct course of action here is to improve your guild mates understanding of the Invasion Points/Stamina/Boss Tech (aka tokens) scoring system so that they see the err of their ways. There is virtually no situation where you want to attack the same bot twice or use 3x attacks until the last 24 hours.

Typically, people think they want to attack their bot again because they either didn’t reach 10% damage, or they didn’t reach 50% damage to guarantee most damage, or because they didn’t kill their own bot in one attack.

For the purposes of the examples below, we’ll assume that all bots on the line are the same level to make the math easier.

Situation 1
If you didn’t get 10% of your own bot on your first attack:

  • You could attack your own bot again to get to 10% damage (or hope to get to 10%, if you don’t get to 10% on the second attack, you just got no points for that attack), but this would actually put you farther behind than attacking someone else’s bot.
  • You’ll get the same amount of points for getting Participated and Helper on someone else’s bot as you would for reaching 10% of your own bot on a second attack, but you’ll get 10 stamina instead of 5 stamina and you’ll get a bit more than double the amount of Boss Tech.

Situation 2
If you got over 10% with your first attack, but less than 50% to guarantee Most Damage:

  • Pointwise, this is the same as situation 1 as you get the same number of points for the 10% objective as you do for the Most Damage objective. The differences are that you get zero stamina for Most Damage (so 0 stamina gained vs 10 stamina gained), but Most Damage will grant more Boss Tech than Participated + Helper will. Typically, the people complaining about other people attacking their bots are lower level members that are having problems accumulating stamina, so for these members, they should still go for attacking someone else’s bot instead of attacking their own bot again.

Situation 3
If you got over 50% with your first attack but didn’t get the kill:

  • You’ll get less stamina (zero), less Boss Tech, and less points for killing your own bot with a second attack than you will for just getting Participated and Helper on someone else’s bot.
  • Another negative with this situation is that if you attack your own boss, not only are you hurting yourself, but now you’ve made it so that none of your guild mates can get Participated or Helper rewards for your bot as they never get a chance to attack it.

But the problem that I am speaking about, is when Invasion first comes out and people are able to one shot their own bosses without the help of others. But without having some way to make it so Guild members can’t attack your bosses, your own bosses can be sniped off before you even get a chance to attack them, which can be very frustrating. Or if it takes more than one attack to finish your own boss and you want to finish your own boss, you should be able to have the opportunity to do so before someone finishes it for you. Some people would also like the challenge of being able to take on bosses on their own.

What I am talking about only applies to the beginning of invasion. Where my guild has had difficulty with trying to make rules with what you can attack and when. But then from there on out we attack everybody’s bosses as you are describing to maximize on points.

But is there a situation where people can kill your boss before you even have a chance to attack it? I think in that situation your boss would be literally be getting stolen. Which I think would be problematic.

If I have understood you correctly then what you are saying is completely incorrect.

When you discover a bot, that bit is only visible to you until you have attacked it. The only way that one of your guildmates can attack one of the bots that you discovered is if you have attacked it first and failed to beat it.

There may be bots which are found by your guild (it will literally say discovered by [insert guild name here]) which are visible to all as soon as they show themselves. But to allow only certain guild members to attack these would be completely unfair.

Either way, what Mufasa says is absolutely right. I know it seems counter intuitive but you will all get the most out of invasion if you all work together.

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Ok, that answers that questions about others attacking your boss before you get a chance. Mufasa did a fantastic job clarifying everything else. Thanks guys. I’ve passed the information on to my guild.

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I understand where the mentality for these things come from as these are things that games typically reward us for doing, so this way of thinking becomes ingrained for us. Invasion is different though, because it has been setup with a rewards structure that rewards us for being fully cooperative, and this shakes the understanding that every other game has beat into us. Change is hard and our brain doesn’t like it, so we fall into these old habits. Getting people to buy into a new way of thinking is a difficult thing to do, but needs to be done for the benefit of the guild. I don’t see PerBlue developing options that are counter intuitive to the way they intend the game mode to be played, so if people aren’t willing to change their way of thinking, things in your guild could get very toxic, very quickly.

As Lord Skellington mentioned, each of your bots isn’t visible to the rest of your guild until you attack it the first time…LOL, unless you start attacking it, have to pause, and then come back 30 minutes later, but I think that is an unintended consequence of the pause timeout feature that they have in place to prevent someone from holding onto a bot that is already on the line for a long time.

Edit: Got pulled away from my desk mid reply and didn’t see your newest response before finishing this reply.

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Welcome @Apokalipse 2 the forums! :grin:

Guys just play as you do in the guild or ask your leader to share if not don’t feel insecure to start a new guild!

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