Is anyone crazy enough to buy one of these solo deals?

You do realize that just as frequently as they offered stackable deals, they offer extremely high value deals alone… Often you’ll get double the value and they will say a special bonus buy or something, they do throw you a bone and it happens more quickly than stackable deals which aren’t necessarily even always good deals just because they stack. Honestly all the grumbling seems more about the fact that you can’t deal with change and you have no tenacity more so than a scientific approach to less value per dollar. Perceived value is a child’s game. You trick your kids into listening to you by snapping a gram cracker in half and offering them two pieces instead of one. Grow up. Track the value of the package by breaking it down into $5 or $20 increments, that works pretty well for me. For example, if a $5 package gives me 300 batteries, I multiply that by four and see that for $20 I would get 1200 and in between those two numbers I decide if the value is there or not. If a $10 package is offering you 500 batteries, value is not there. If it offered to 700 then the values there. Literally use your brain and put in 30 seconds of work instead of crying that it’s not handed to you because you literally are spending hours of your life complaining publicly and internally instead of spending 30 seconds to decide if the value is good or not and move on. It’s a free market system, if we don’t buy then they increase the value until we do. Complaining just makes you look pitiful, the only real power you have is whether you buy or not. The choice is your power. If they only sell 1000 units at a certain price point with a goal of 5000 units sold, they will increase the value until they hit 5,000. If they sell 7,000 units, they will decrease the value or increase the cost. At the current rate national tuition, everyone reading this owes me about $1,000 for the economic lesson.

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while my spending has decreased in increasing increments in the past 6 months, and I’m not a fan of the “feeling” of the solo deals (therefore likely to decrease spending that much more incrementally), i do have to agree with @FrostyP. Your wallets speak louder than your keyboards.

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I’d say your overall point is valid, but I consider it a bad faith argument.

The value of any given solo deal seems comparable to the value of a singular stackable one, in terms of resources gained. There’s some variance, but that was true of both deals.

My personal grievance with solo deals is primarily the lack of increased value to compensate for the stacking potential, but its early days and the variance of value per deal might prove to be greater and thus offer more valuable deals more often, keeping optimistic.

But other people have issues with them beyond that, and dismissing those issues as merely childish complaining is antithetical to the concept of having this forum open to begin with.

I do agree with the whole “don’t like, don’t buy” mentality, but if you’re doing that, and there’s a platform for it, doesn’t it make sense to explain WHY you’re no longer buying? Wouldn’t that accelerate the process of those in charge fixing it?

Who knows, maybe I’m being too optimistic and maybe solo deals are more widely loved than the forums seem to indicate.

Oh, and quick word of advice, you might want to drop the attitude. You’re gonna make people less willing to listen to you and it’s probably what got you chat silenced in the game.


Well said.

Because it’s a game changer between those that can spend money like crazy, and those that cant. It gives a great advantage to those who can in ranking up, being more powerful, etc.

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I do not see a big difference. There are good and bad packages. What bothers me & where you actually pay “double”. Monthly deals. Sure, it’s still worth it … but you get a Lot less than before.

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