Is it Possible to add 20th century FOX characters?

I heard that disney now owns 20th century FOX, hahaha
Is it true? What if they have Homer simpson? is that necessary?

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@Polaris Are you gonna add 20th century FOX characters if necessary?

Don’t count on it sorry but most likely is not ever gonna But that’s just what I think.

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Sorry, PerBlue isn’t related to Disney nor Pixar, at least, that’s what I know so far. So the chances of Characters from 20th Century Fox being added is as slim as Characters from Marvel or Star Wars being added.

You can check out this thread if you want to create a Skillset for Homer…

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Or FOX characters like what i suggested on the topic, or maybe the griffin family, Bobs burgers, American dad, but Lmao Idk if thats gonna ever happened

Just remember, PerBlue isn’t Disney nor Pixar, they’d have to pay each individual company - 20th Century Fox, FOX, Marvel, or Star Wars - for them to be allowed in the game.


I don’t want 2 see FOX characters in dis.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should…

Wouldn’t adding FOX characters ruin the name of this game being DISNEY Heroes Battle Mode? The answer is an obvious yes.


yaall are just… im sayin is it necessary

I don’t know if I’d want to see characters from shoes like Simpsons or Family Guy, but I wouldn’t say not to more friendly characters from Blue Sky or Fox Animation

SAY NO! Yes! Yeeess! NO! Yes! Yeeeess! NO! Yes! Yeeeesss!

Oh! :open_mouth: it is Alexander himself!! :open_mouth:

Personally, I would be ok with Fox characters. Afyer they finish all of The proper Disney shows first.

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