Is there a way how to defeat impossible heroes in the Arena?

What are the best heroes to defeat impossible ones like Dante and Eda? (Most commonly used disk for Eda is Meilin from Turning Red and the Baymax disk for Dante)

Eda is strong, but has problems protecting herself from several people, so you can try cleaning everyone else to focus on her. Jessie works pretty good, but other early hitters might work as well. Scar is also exellent against her, but that probably won’t be a thing anymore. Dante though…pray for your luck, I guess. You can use more defensive people, especially Joy, to outlive his purple and keep your buffs, but then it seems like luck, if you manage to catch him before he runs away again.


Best lineup to defeat Dante, Eda or both?

I already mentioned Jessie and Joy as must-haves, so let’s start with them. Jessie needs a damage boost, Pumbaa will do it just fine. The Queen of Hearts also works against the two occasionally as she ignores berserks. The fifth…not sure, I usually go with Jack Sparrow for a bigger damage boost, but you might also take a look at characters who boost Attack speed - they will make berserkers flinch more often, which is especially important with Dante as it stops him from running.

I tried to win one of the fights in the Arena for the prize wall daily quests, but some reason, the annoying Eda insta kills my team. Cheat codes from the Game Genie would work, based on the consoles like NES and the Super Nintendo.

Oh, and not mention that one of these lineups are unbeatable. The only I could do is put in the game genie codes that make my heroes berserk when KO’d.

Dante doesn’t stall if you use Doofenshmirtz.
Eda isn’t really that hard to kill. It’s Jim that spams revives there, and Bagheera somewhat.

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