How is this even possible?
380k power team defeated 930k power in coli lol.
Pls investigate
That doesn’t look right at all if you report the player to support, they will be able to investigate.
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Normally, I’d say that “it’s not about the power, it’s the synergy” but that’s not the case here.
I support the idea of sending a Support Ticket regarding this.
I dont even see any synergy or possible counter. My Ducky and bunny, 70k power boosted with pumba and megara, one shots o7 lineups with his laser.
i reported it in the support. i just want people to be aware of this.
I have no idea but something similar has happened to me. When I first started and was in the bronze arena league a player that had 3,452 beat me, and I had 8,859.
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