Is This Normal?

Is Any Hero Healing Negative Amounts Normal? I don’t think so … Maybe this is just a visual bug with Gothel .

I’m new to the game so idk how things work in the forums …If possible Someone please kindly report this to the company.

Thank you !


Maybe this is the fix they did for arena and coli @Samm

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It’s a display problem; the software apparently defaults to 32-bit variable storage, with one bit used to tell whether a number is positive or negative, so any number higher than 2,147,483,647 overflows the internal storage and looks like a negative number to the program.


Hahahahaha yeah sw problem hahahaha not perblue? Oh yeah it’s players problem and sw problem, pb always good

So anything above 2 billions is user and sw problem and will be negative … good to now

Hmmmm that’s not over 2 billions!!! Must be Opera’s problem then.

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That’s a lot of info , thanx guys :heart:

Um, PerBlue is the one developing the software, so yeah, if it’s a software problem, it’s a PerBlue problem.

It was over 2 billion, and because of the overflow error it’s being interpreted instead as a negative number. Specifically, going by that screenshot, the Bonus Points should have been 2,921,471,833; converted to binary, you get the 32-digit number 10101110001000100001111101011001. Now, the software does use 32-bit variables, but for numbers it uses the first bit to distinguish between positive (0) and negative (1) numbers; therefore, it sees that first 1 as meaning “this number is negative” and interprets the number that way, resulting in -1,373,495,463. (If you want to get into the nitty gritty of what’s going on, you can look up “two’s complement”, but that gets really mathy really fast.)

So, yes, not anticipating that the numbers would wind up larger than 31 bits and thus need special handling was an oversight on PerBlue’s part; they’ve corrected the problem in some parts of the game, but obviously not all.

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