It's a little late now, but I figured I'd share my version of Tron

A little over a year ago, I made fan art of what I imagined Anon (another character from the TRON franchise) would look like if he was ever brought to DH:BM. I enjoyed making it, so I decided I’d make one for Tron himself since he wasn’t in the game at the time. Unfortunately, I was very busy with other things in my life. While I did get to work on this, it was very sparingly, and now that I’m done, Tron is already part of the game. So here’s what I had hoped he would look like:

You can tell this is outdated because the Red Skill isn’t accounted for, but overall, I think I came somewhat close to what he ended up looking like. Though I do have to say, I am a bit disappointed with his appearance in-game and the fact that he doesn’t have an alternate skin.


That’s because PB is no longer making costumes for heroes. It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality. Your design for him does look AMAZING though! Very well done!


Even if it’s unlikely, the concept of his costume looks brilliant!
Great work!


That’s because PB is no longer making costumes for heroes. It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality.

I was unaware of that. It sure is a letdown though, there are at least a handful of characters in the game that could easily have an alternate costume.

Your design for him does look AMAZING though! Very well done!

Thank you! As I said in the post, I spent a lot of time on this, so I’m glad people enjoy it.

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Thanks! I spent way too much time looking through as much Tron related media as I could to know little details like how his stance is while in battle and how he holds his disk in the original film vs how he does it in the sequel/TRON: Uprising, so you can imagine my disappointment upon seeing what they went with for his official character.

I also breifly considered making his alternate costume his Rinzler outfit, but then scrapped that because Tron and Rinzler may be the same person, but they’re greatly different characters; so who knows, maybe one day I’ll make one of these for Rinzler. I settled on Tron’s outfit from TRON: Uprsing because I thought it looked better than his outfit from his breif time in TRON: Legacy.

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