Jafar Suggestion

One thing I’ve noticed about Jafar is the somewhat fragile nature of his white. Here are a few tweaks I would suggest to fix it:

  1. Make Jafar immune to disables when he is charming an enemy. This would prevent the charm from being cut short by pesky stunners, and would help add more detail.

  2. Fix the attack speed problem. When Jafar is sped up enough by frequent attack speed increases, his energy just drops like a sack of bricks, which gets super annoying when he’s on a team with speed buffers like Woody and Goofy. To fix this, I would also make Jafar immune to attack speed changes while Charming an enemy. That way, he won’t have the rate of his energy loss altered by either boosts or slows.



Making him stronger…ARE YOU CRAZY MAN!!


I’m talking about his active skill. The reason Jafar is so OP is because of his immediate use of his blue skill. I’m in absolute favor of nerfing that skill. But this is about “Snake Charmer”, not “Whirling Dervish”.


This is a valid point, his entire OPness is because of his Whirling Dervish and his Scar disk. His white skill, if he gets round to it, is actually pretty terrible.


Yeah i agree with nerfing his blue skill


If PB wants to keep the attack speed effect on Jafar, “Sultan Vile Betrayer” should have the charmed enemy have 150% more attack speed than Jafar, so the charm can be better, and more balanced

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Are you crazy? Jafar doesnt need to get buffed at all

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Big no.
Just nerf disk.

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. . . Why do I feel like no one’s listening?

I’m not asking them to buff his blue skill or his Scar Disk. I’m asking them to fix a few problems with his ACTIVE. I am in full support of nerfing the disk and/or skill.


It’s okay. I understand.

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He needs this drawbacks, otherwise it will be way too much for one hero.
or… rename game to Disney Heroes: Jafar mode

. . . Okay, for like the third time.

I am making this post as a suggestion for what to do to Jafar’s active skill AFTER his eventual rebalancing. This topic has nothing to do with his blue.

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