Jake long concept


Desrpction jake long the protcetor of the magical creatures is battleing enemies with his dragon abilties

Enternce jake will turn to his dragon form landing to his place

Deafeat jake will turn to his human form and fall

Victory jake will fly from the battlefiled

Role damage

Team trial color red

Qoute dragon up!!!

Jake s spot in battle is middline

White skill dragon claws jake will attack enemie with his claws dealing normal damage and lowering attack power by x precents the skill can be chosen to who targeting in auto mode he will use this skill on the enemie with most skill power the power lowering effct lasting for 9 seconds

Green skill dragon breath jake will attack with his dragon breath which will deal damage on all of the enemies this skill will cause burn for 10 seconds and dealing fantastic damage

Blue skill dragon flight jake will fly through the screen dealing normal damage and stun for 11 seconds

Purple skill every second time dragon flight is used its causeing stun for 12 seconds

Red skill magical protcteor jake s damage from dargon claws and dragon breath is increased and the attack powering lowering from dragon claws lasting for 14 seconds the burning from dragon breath is now lasting 15 seconds

Jake also getting the following boosts

+x basic damage

+x skill power

+x armor

Friendships mushu and hiro hamada

Jake s mushu disc increaseing damage from dragon claws and dragon breath its also increaseing the burn from dragon breath by 2 seconds per star its also increaseing attack power lowering s effct by 2 seconds per star

Jake s hiro hamada disc will cause dragon flight s stun time increased by 2 seconds per star its also giveing jake more skilll power this disc will also lower the enemies s armor by x precent

As always feedback and suggetions are always welcome


Which form?

What’s attack power?

Umm… Jake and Jack? Also by blow do you just mean attack?

Do you mean that he becomes precise? Otherwise it’s useless as attacks can still damage invisible enemies.

Why are these right at the end?

Spelling mistake count: 65
(This includes not capitalising names and incorrect inflections)


Edited i meant for his human form when beaten since he can turn from human to dragon as for purple skill i dont think precise willl fit with jake and yes blows are attacks attack power is 1 of the game stats i meant for damage deacreased there is in game icon of this effct

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