Joy emerald subclass?

With Joy, I’m having trouble deciding her emerald subclasses. I’ve got tenacity, but evasion is already maxed out. Reality and armor negation don’t do anything (as far as I know) because she isn’t doing any damage to the enemy team. Crit damage and fantastic/normal crit won’t do anything either, right? Unless one of them makes it so her heals “crit” and do bonus healing, but I’m not sure if that’s a mechanic in this game.

Can someone clarify?

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Only evasion and tenacity. Same for any other hero which deals 0 damage.


It’s a good argument for adding Improved Healing to the list of secondary stats that can be improved by subclasses. I’ve seen Conservation mentioned as a candidate as well, but that seems potentially gamebreaking in more ways than one. (Give that one to Yax, and watch the last 85 seconds of the fight be nothing but him spamming his heals.)


That’s what I figured, but I’ve got the red triangle next to evasion since it’s maxed out before adding the subclass. Tenacity is the only one that affects her, which is a bummer because that means her Emerald subclass is working at 50% compared to other heroes.

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Can add a cap like to other stats. 80-90%

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Considering Yax doesn´t have that… at best I would consider 20% since that stat isn´t a failing one.

For Improved Healing the % can be any really.

Miguel alone has 40%, and Yax disk gives 50%, in addition of his base of 20%.

80% cap would be fine.

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