June sign in hero(fanmade )

Pluto is a front line control hero . Pluto will be on June sign in reward.

good boy !

He start running to catch the bone ,dealing damage to enemies and knocking them back. when he catches the bone he will heal him self .
friendly lick
Pluto licks the nearest ally , giving them energy fidelity .
*when a hero is in fidelity , if an enemy attack them ,they will be slowed .
**woof woof **

Pluto super charm an enemy . The super charmed enemy beside of charming can replace every health receiving form that enemy to him self !
**dog chasing **
When Pluto is using white skill he can give blue and green skill randomly on an ally and enemy !


Good Hero Concept, but sadly, it’s still a shell of a concept, perhaps you’ll finish this?


I wrote everything but Polaris delete it !

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I personally find that extremely sketchy and a very unprecedented Accusation. (I like big words! :wink: )

Now, @Polaris has never in all the time I have been on here (which is a long time) has ever edited someone’s post in the way you accuse them of doing.

The only thing they ever change at least for me, Is the topic classification.

“Hero Wish List” and “Feedback Corner”

Now, my being done with defending Polaris,

I like your concept and especially enjoyed the two unique ideas for the game.


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