Description: Fuse between Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor, Indominus Rex is a very dangerous experience hybrid who uses camouflage to attack any enemies nearby.
Position: Front
Role Damage
Basic attack: Slash the closest enemies with its claws
White skill, Armor free: Indominus deals True damage against enemies. It ignores shields and armor and will instantly KO the enemies,like Maui and the Queen of Hearts.
Green skill, Fierce or Untamable King: When the Indominus Rex reach to 0 hp, Indominus revives itself to its max hp. During this time, it becomes invincible for 12 seconds.
Blue skill, Cuttlefishosaurus: At the began of each wave, Indominus Rex becomes invisible for 7 seconds. During this time, It deals extra damage.
Purple skill, Indomune: Indominus is now immune to disable and debuff.
Red skill: Enemies gains decrease attack
Entrance: Walks in roaring at the enemy.
Victory:Raise its head up high and roar.
Defeat: Collapsed to floor
Indominus and Scar
King or no King
Steals opponents health
Allies: Animal, Jafar, Ralph