Imma reply to remind myself to give you feedback.

Ok,thanks Gio :slight_smile:

You can’t submit twice

I’m not,I’m descding not to do My Zazu concept, also you are allowed to change your submission,

The first one was disqualified for not meeting the requirements…

This one does include the requirements, and it wasn’t disqualified,he said I was allowed to add the stuff I needed

Unfortunately you can only submit one concept, since you already chose Zazu, this disqualifies this concept. However, if you want to add disks, quotes, and bio to your Zazu concept, then that will count

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I can’t just change it? My Zazu one was incomplete, and no one liked it anyway.

Here’s my feedback.

Is that all @Defender_Momo_LV or is there still a bit more

That’s it the concept is okay, though I would probably put the full word front line instead of FL


Ok,thank you!

Anyone tell me if I’m wrong, but I think PB quit making 3 star characters. But, I don’t think that’s really wrong…

Do you mean the enemy with the most power, skill power, basic damage etc. ?

And dang is this op, maybe put, if the enemy is below maybe, 30% HP

whispers, “Cheshire counter.”

Needs a variable.

The red skill itself needs a variable.

Also, I think you should cut some of the charming, seems a bit much.

Overall, you’re getting better, I liked this concept.


Well I think if you were to get eaten by a snake you wouldn’t servive Gio lol

It’s true damage it instantly will K.O

You’re right. But you can Concepts still make three Stars


I only did 3 stars becuase he was too good to be a 1 star but not weak enough to be a 2 star,see what I’m saying

I’m just saying if you were to get eaten by a snake (which is rare) you would have a 99.9% chance of dying

But I am not saying I disagree with @Giosphere either

You did good, the creativity is there. But my only critique is that your skills and disks could use some names and snappier quote. As for the quote might i suggest some thing like this:

“I’m not like those so called fair weathered friends of yours. You can believe in me.”

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