Kachow! (Lighting McQueen concept)

Lighting McQueen

:zap:, Control, Frontline

“Speed, I am speed”


Basic Attack: Lightning drives in a small circle hitting the closest enemy before getting back in his position.

White: Faster than Fast
Lighting drives at high speed through the Enemies four times dealing X damage and knocking them back. After this Lighting’s movement speed is increased by 200% for 5 seconds.

Green: Floating like a Cadillac
Lighting gains 200 energy and saps the closest enemy for 6 seconds.

Blue: Kachow!
Lighting McQueen shines his stickers blinding all enemies for 8 seconds and dealing X damage.

Purple: The Rookie
“Kachow” and “Floating like a Cadillac” grants him a stack of “Rookie” up to a max of 10. Each stack of Rookie gives him X skill power. He loses all of his stacks when he uses his active.

Red: Grand prix
Lighting prioritizes in attacking enemy with a movement speed buff. Every 3rd Lighting damages an enemy with a movement buff he saps them for 3 seconds.
Sapping has a chance to fail against enemies above level X

Increased stats:
X armor
X skill power
X damage dealt on “Faster than fast”


Duke Caboom “Revved up” - “faster than fast” skill boost

"Faster than fast" cleanses all Debuffs from Lighting upon activation
"Faster than fast" burns enemies dealing X damage per second for 4 seconds each time he hits them.
5% conservation per star

  • X burn damage per level
  • 5% conservation per star

Darkwing Duck “For the Fans” - Better saps

Whenever an enemy is sapped they lose X basic damage. Lighting deals 15% more damage to sapped enemies.

  • X basic damage lost per level
  • 15% more damage per star

:zap: I hope you Enjoyed it! :zap:


What about entrance victory and defeat?

I don’t really do that in concepts…

Okay. I see

This concpet is very good

Who is copying concept formats?

No one!

You should have put mcqueen in hero wish list since he is likeley charther to come into the game there are 2 reasons for this
1 he is from cars franchise which belong to pixar and its onwed by disney like another added charthers from disney pixat moveis
2 he is very highly requested

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This is a concept

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My point here hero concpets as far i remember is for unlikely charthers and heto wish list is for likley charthers like lighting mcqueen

Hero Concept isn’t limited by the concept being Likely or Unlikely. Hero Wish List is where you suggest a character, not make an entire concept for them.

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