Kenai and Koda

Source:Brother Bear



Quote: Just because of his totem is wisdom, it does not mean that he is wise

Role: Support

Team: Blue


Entrace: They enter position

Victory: They do this pose.

Defeat: they get angry with each other.

Basic Attack:
Human form: Kenai throws his spear
Bear Form: Kenai and Koda smell flowers and heal allies


:white_circle: White Skill:
Passive: Kenai starts the battle in bear form.

Active: Bear form: Sitka comes to the battlefield and turns Kenai into a human, then he throws his spear with a lot of force dealing X damage to the mostback enemy, while Koda runs to that enemy, deals X damage and steals 2 buff to themselves, if the enemy doesn´t have buffs the attack and movement speed of Kenai and Koda increase 50%.

Human form: Sitka comes to the battlefield and turns Kenai into a bear, then he hugs Koda for 7 seconds, giving a shield to allies of X HP and giving invincibility to themselves.

:green_circle: Green Skill: Northern Lights
Tanana makes a Northern Lights that blind enemies for 10 seconds and heal allies X HP, Tanana also makes the grass green that increases 40% the armor and reality of the allies, the blind may fail if the enemies are above level X, the increase of armor and reality may fail if the allies are above level X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue skill: Bear family
Bear form: Kenai and Koda make this, giving 2 stack of hardy to their allies and themselves, the apply of stacks of hardy may fail if the allies are above level X.

Human form: Kenai and koda camouflage themselves in a bush making themselves invisibles for 10 seconds and increasing their crit chance by 50% until the invisibility ends, the increse of crit chance may fail if Kenai and Koda are above level X.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill:Ancient Paintings
Kenai and Koda increase the speed of them and their allies when use Northern Lights
You can fail if you exceed your level X

:red_circle: Red Skill :Real family
Each basic attack allies recover hp
X Hp
X speed
X armor


Kenai and Koda/Merlin
Campaign: Ancient Magic
Disc: Magic Bear
Disc Bonus: Every time Kenai and Koda use “Bear Family”, they avoid debuffs every 5 seconds.
Star bonus: 1 second more
Allies: Madame mim, Bo beep, Evil Queen

Kenai and Koda/Baloo
Campaign: time to have fun
Disc: Funny Bears
Disc Bonus: Every 3 Kenai Basic Attacks in Human form knock down enemies by 32%
Star Bonus: 3%
Allies: Rex, Mickey, Hiro

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0 voters

No offense, Sitka actually said it, not Kenai. Also, interesting concept.

Yes but I use it to give a teaching

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