Kerchak Concept

Hero: Kerchak.
Movie: Tarzan
Basic attack: slams an enemy
Victory: Beats his chest
Defeat: Glares at enemies

White skill: Gorilla Passion.

Passive: Every 1% of Kerchak’s max HP missing boosts his skill power by 3%.

(This number moves up and down as he is healed and damaged)

Active: Kerchak beats his chest and roars, silencing enemies for 5 seconds, and healing for 20% of his missing HP +X per second, for 8 seconds.

Kerchak can still use basic attacks and abilities while he is healing.

On auto, this ability will not trigger unless Kerchak is under 75% HP.


(Ignore Jane, it’s just hard to find good GIFs of Kerchak)

Green skill: Gorilla Slam.

Kerchak leaps into the air and lands in the back line, dealing X normal damage and stunning all hit enemies for 8 seconds.

Blue skill: Gorilla Warfare

Kerchak runs through the enemies back to his original spot, thrashing as he goes, dealing X Normal damage to enemies in his path and becoming immune to all Disables for the next 5 seconds.

Purple skill: Silver Backed Leader.

When Kerchak is the frontmost ally, 20% of the damage dealt to allies will instead hit him.

Kerchak ignores X of this damage.


Kerchak/Sulley and Boo: Scary Rage.

Boo is delighted to see Kerchak upon first meeting him. Having already seen a human child before, he is none to happy to see another one. He scares her, causing her to cry, and alerting Sulley. Sulley roars right back, and the two have a match of dominance before ending in a stalemate, and an eventual friendship

Disk Power 1: Kerchak gains Y armor.

Disk Power 2: Gorilla Passion now scares all enemies for 6 seconds. (+1 second per star)

Kerchak/Bogo: Protection Pact.

Kerchak gets caught by the creeps, and Bogo comes to his rescue. After freeing him, Kerchak did the rest. Kerchak is grateful for the help and offers his help in exchange. Before long, Kerchak is the newest member of the ZPD (Zootopia Police Department) and Bogo shows him the ropes.

Disk Power 1: Kerchak heals X HP per second.

Disk Power 2: Gorilla Passion grants all allies a shield for 15% of Kerchak’s missing HP. (+10% per star)

Strategy: Kerchak would excel in places where his white skill, an extremely powerful recovery ability, can be controlled by the player. His passive allows him to dish out damage through his skills, while his active can save him from the brink of death. His purple also helps to lower his HP to the point that he dishes out damage.


Megara: Link would allow him to attack at his maximum potential, without fear of death.

Baymax: Putting shields on Kerchak would give him extra HP, without affecting his passive’s damage output.

Tron: Hardy would keep control off of Kerchak, which allows him to activate his abilities often.

Animal: Any speed boost would be useful, as he can crank his speed skills out faster.

Merida: Armor shredding would allow Kerchak to cleave through enemies even more, plus the extra damage wouldn’t hurt either.

Barbossa: A nice study skill equals double damage on every already overloaded attack.


Beast: Beserk protects Beast from Kerchak’s damage output, and it outlasts him too, meaning he could bring him down.

Slowers: Kerchak becomes slowed, meaning less damage output, and it would be able to get by his blue skill’s protection from debuffs.

Healers (on his team): They may be trying to help keep him healthy, but Kerchak fights best when he has low HP, keep them away from him and let the gorilla destroy everything in his path in peace!

I really enjoyed this character so I went and added a bunch of flowery stuff just for the fun. Lemme know your thoughts and critics, but keep it constuctive. I hope you enjoyed. :grin:


Kerchak is one short temper primate


This is pretty nice. I give it a 8/10.

I wonder could add maybe a little description on why you rate it that?


I was wondering the same thing. I always like to know the reasoning behind the ratings and how I can improve. :grimacing:

Well, i only give 10/10 ratings if i absolutely LOVED the concept(s). And you did a really good job So i am not sure what u can do to improve it. So that’s why i rate it 8/10.

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Well, Kerchak did die in the movie though, but this concept is really good. But this character might be a good idea to use in this game.

I know, I wouldn’t have used him if there weren’t at least like ten other characters that have all died in their movies, but are now in game.

True. Like Scar, Gaston, Jafar (according to the scene from The Return of Jafar), Ursula, Maleficent, Hector Barbossa, etc.

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Barbossa died twice actually, just wanted to clear that up

Really? I did not know that. Because I only seen the first movie.


He does again in the fifth movie

Technically he does three times, as the skeleton zombie pirate, gets shot in chest then saves jack and the gang

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