Kiff Chatterley Concept

After watching the new Disney show, Kiff, out of curiosity, I ended up unironically enjoying it! Enjoy this concept about the protagonist, Kiff!


Kiff, using her bold thinking and creative problem-solving, can outsmart the Creeps and lead them to their demise!



Position: Red


Entrance: Kiff casually strolls into position.


Victory: Kiff sighs in relief.

Defeat: Kiff falls backwards and closes her eyes in embarassment.

Basic Attack: Kiff “pumps up” an ally, healing them X HP.


White Skill: All-Pass

Kiff shows the opposing team her All-Pass, knocking them all backwards and stunning them for 7.0 seconds.

Stun may not apply to enemies above level X.

Green Skill: Eye Spy

Kiff extends her eyes and uses them as binoculars to study the 2 enemies with the most Energy for 6.0 seconds.

Blue Skill: Zipline Zinger

Instead of Kiff’s regular entrance, she’ll enter via a zipline which goes through the opposing team, dealing X damage and stunning them for 9.0 seconds.

Purple Skill: Pumped-Up Kiff

Kiff’s Basic Attack heals allies X% more HP.

Red Skill: Exposed to Reality

For every 3 times Kiff activates “All-Pass,” she will gain X Reality and X Armor.

  • +X Tenacity
  • +X Armor
  • +X Skill Power


Kiff and Gadget Hackwrench

Title: Handyworkers for Hire

Story: After Kiff and Gadget meet, they decide to do a little more for The City, and become helpers-for-hire.

Allies: Minnie Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Quasimodo.

Disk: Handiworker’s Hammer

”Zipline Zinger” now stuns enemies for 13.0 seconds.

Kiff and Alice

Title: Treats for Thought

Story: After Alice introduces Kiff to her cookies, Kiff eats one, and Alice has to find out how to change her back.

Allies: The Mad Hatter, Tigger, Abu.

Disk: Cookie Platter

Eye Spy studies 3 enemies instead of 2.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my most recent concept! Patrick Star will be releasing Wednesday, along with a new Marvel-themed poll! Have a great day!


Looks awesome! :+1:


What should Kiff’s quote be?

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