Kilala princess heroes concept

Hi everyone today we talking about a Kilala from Kilala princess.


Description: Kilala this is a last princess, she use her trust magic tiara and her magical gems.

Quote:“I like a princess, but I need to find a missing gems, for Several princess.”


Entrance: land to positive while she run.

Victory: She hole her hand with Tippe and cheer while Tippe land on her hand.

Defeat: She drop her crown on a floor and get worry.

Basic Attack: Magical ball at enemy and ally heal least hp with her stuff.

Skills Animation

White Skills :white_circle:
“Magic Tiara”

Passive: Ever basic attack, Kilala blind enemy for 4 second and heal x hp ally least hp.

Active: Kilala encourage all allies with least hp, kilala and allies heal x hp for 10.0 second, Cleaner herself an ally, Shield 300% hp for 10.0 second and gains 5 stack of hardy.

Green Skills :green_circle:
“Magical Gems”

Kilala show her gems to allies with Highest basic damage, Cleaner herself or ally. Heal x hp for 8.0 second, Basic damage 200% and skills power 200% for 10.0 second.

This skills cast Kilala are Silence, Stunning, or Frozen.

Blue Skills :large_blue_circle:
“Mouse Magical” ( Fantastic Damage )

Kilala call her Tippe at enemies with most active buff. Enemy deal x fantastic damage, Stealing buff, Silence and their reduce 80% Attack Speed for 10.0 second.

Kilala and Ally gains buff for 12.0 second with highest Skills power.

Purple Skills :purple_circle:
“Seventh Princess”

Kilala now perform Role to allies with “Magic Tiara” and “Magical Gems”.

Tank: Ally gains Shield for 10.0 second, and gains Armor and reality by 300% increase.

Damage: Ally gains Basic damage x and 150% Attack Speed for 8 second.

Support: ally heal x hp for 12.0 second and gains 200% Max Hp for rest of wave.

Control: Ally gains Skills power by 150% increase and gains 5 stack of hardy for 10.0 second.

This skills can change to perform with a role ally on herself for next of wave.

Red Skills :red_circle:
“Magical princess” ( Fantastic Damage )

One per wave, while ally 35% Max hp, immediately use “Magical Gems” and because invincible for 10.0 second.

“Mouse Magical” Now enemies gains 5 stack of weakness and deal x Normal damage to them. Kilala gains 8 stack of hardy while stealing with “Mouse Magical”.

“Seventh Princess” now remaining their Green skills and blue skills for 0 second with kilala and allies.

X. Max Hp
X. Skills Power
X. Bonus Fantastic damage to “Magical Mouse”

Friendship Disk

1.Kilala and Mickey Mouse
Disk Effects: Sorcery and Magical
Disk Effects: “Magic Tiara” Energy or Heal
Other Effects:

1.Kilala and ally gains 150 energy and heal by 50% Max hp every 5.0 second. ( x% Star level )

2.X Extra heal from “Magic Tiara”
3.X Armor to Kilala and allies
4.X Reality to Kilala and allies
5.X Max Hp to kilala and allies

Campaign: Kilala is real you, she so happy, Mickey mouse was surprised at her and happy to new city.

Allies: Tiana, Hercules, Pacha,

2.Kilala and Cinderella
Disk Name: Perfect Princess
Disk Effects: Better Role with “Seventh Princess”
Other Effects:

1.While Kilala with “Seventh Princess” Now ally deal 20% damage enemy for 10.0 second. ( x% Star level )

2.X Ally Role Tank gains Armor
3.X Ally Role Damage gains Basic damage
4.X Ally Role Support gains Reality
5.X Ally Role Control gains skills power

Campaign: Kilala and Cinderella, to get a all princess to defeat at creep.

Allies: Belle, Mulan, Ariel,

I hope like my heroes concept!

Haven’t seen any anime characters being in concepts yet, so good first concept of manga descent

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Well, thank you, is great my heroes concept, oh my purple skills call "Seventh Princess” perform the role.

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