Kim Chips per day?

And Invasion, if you’re into that or just want the rewards from it.

I got lucky and found Kim a bit earlier then expected thanks to some of her chips appearing in the market:

I could not resist raising her to Red quality.


Technically I’m expecting to get her today if they give us another 10 Kim chips but you were fast

I unlocked her on S22 and got her to P3. Highest I have there are O0/O1.

Possible. But u only need 3 days to unlock at the same rate provided the you don’t get any chips through diamond crates

I got no Kim chips.
I couldn’t play intill today because the Amazon did nit update the game in till today.

You do get 10 Kim Chips per day, cuz I just unlocked her, she has a event until you unlock her, which u receive 10 chips

They literally said that they couldn’t log in to the game for a few days due to the amazon update not being released. :expressionless: So, they may not be able to unlock Kim for free…

That’s not right, it Appeared on my page, and I already had her

Still it will be nice to get her to 3 stars

Unless you get lucky in the Black or Mega Markets, I’d say for now, Kim isn’t going to be 3* any time soon.

My Collection rating has been raised to 4* minimum, so 3* don’t count anymore.
Therefore, Kim will need to be 4* before she can start contributing to Collections.

Kim chips per day are done

Yeah. Today is the last day.

Kinda good or I’d end up with an abundance to quickly

this ended as quickly as it started lol. it was nice though. :relieved:

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