King of Rosas - Magnifico Likely Hero Concept

Magnifico Hero Concept

Description: King Magnifico is a front-line Tank hero whose skills revolve around controlling the battlefield with his dark magic and crushing the hopes of his enemies.

Quote - “I decide what everyone deserves!”
Role - Tank
Position - Frontline
Team Color - Red
Stars - 2 :star2::star2:

Entrance - Magnifico strides in, chasing a small figure that he stomps on, causing it to vanish in a puff of smoke. (Like he does in “This Is the Thanks I Get”)
Victory - Magnifico summons a mirror to check his reflection and smooths back his hair while smiling vainly.
Defeat - Magnifico is sucked into his staff. (like in Wish)

Basic Skill - Scepter Smash
Magnifico uses his scepter to hit enemies, dealing damage.

White Skill - Crushed Dreams
Magnifico takes the wish of the enemy with the highest Skill Power and crushes that wish. That enemy takes X damage and loses Y energy. Magnifico also gains X health and Y Skill Power.

Green Skill - Book of Spells
Magnifico flips through his dark magic spell book and recites an incantation that slows all enemies and has a 20% chance of stunning the enemy.

Blue Skill - Wishing Trap
Magnifico uses dark magic to summon magical chains that immobilize the enemy for 5.0 seconds.

Purple Skill - Forbidden Magic
This skill enhances Book of Spells! Now, Book of Spells has a 30% chance of stunning the enemy, can give the enemy a random debuff such as a bleed effect, and also provides one ally or Magnifico himself a shield for 15.0 seconds.

Red Skill - Thanks I Get
If Magnifico is attacked while Wishing Trap is active, he reflects 40% of that damage to the victim of Wishing Trap. He is also regaining X health from this.

  • +X Skill Power
  • +Y Armor
  • +Z Hardy

Friendship #1 - Magnifico/Jafar
Disk Name: Dark Wish
Campaign Name: Twisted Hopes
Summary: Magnifico and Jafar reluctantly join forces when twisted and evil wishes start coming true by some unknown force.
Allies: Genie, Luz Noceda, Abu
Stat Boosts: +X Max HP, +Y Skill Power, +Z Energy Gain
Star Effect: When fully upgraded, this disk enhances Crushed Dreams. The White Skill now saps energy, which then is given to Magnifico; Gives enemies a slowness debuff; and lowers enemies’ Attack Power by X.

Friendship #2 - Magnifico/Madam Mim
Disk Name: Magic Duel
Campaign Name: Wizard’s Challenge
Summary: Madam Mim challenges Magnifico to a wizards’ duel.
Allies: Merlin, Eda Clawthorne, Mother Gothel
Stat Boosts: +X Armor, +Y Reality, +Z Crushed Dreams’ damage
Star Effect: When this disk is fully upgraded, every time Magnifico uses Crushed Dreams while Wishing Trap is active, the victim of Wishing Trap receives X damage and loses X energy overtime while still trapped! Crushed Dreams can now also use Wishing Trap on it’s victim.

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