“Poyo poyooypoypoypoyo”
This guy is so cool a back 2 star damage who always copies the job done.
Entrance Kirby flies with his star
Victory Kirbo says ploy
Defeat Kirbo does a sad poyo
Basic attack kirbo throws church crosses.
White skill calling god: Passive whenever kirbo damages an enemy he applies 1 sin to enemy and kirbo has a 50% chance to gain 1-3 blessings. Active: Kirbo calls god who smites all enemies dealing x fantastic damage + 8% of their max health this deals 40% more damage per stack of sins in them kirbo heals for 15% of the damage dealt an extra 5% more health per stack of blessing on him kirbo consumes all of his blessings on him.
Green skill Fart star: Kirbo farts and darts his star into enemies dealing x true damage and kirbo gains 5% more attack speed per stack of blessings on him this deals x% more damage per time this has been used again this wave kirbo also has a 40% chance to reset the cooldown right after a hero uses the white skill also kirbo performs this the start of every wave. Kirbo also stuns all enemies for 8 seconds.
Blue skill inhaler: Kirbo inhales the enemy with the strongest health replacing all skills that kirbo has except his white and green skill for 15 seconds Kirby also gains a basic damage armor and reality bonus equal to that character’# reality for basic damage, basic damage for armor, and armor for reality,
This has a chance to fail against enemies above level x
Purple skill blessed from god: Kirbo has 5% more attack speed and x armor and 4% more basic damage per blessing on him and all enemies have 4% less armor per stack of sin on them.
Red skill Poyo: Whenever kirbo crits he gives all enemies 1 stack of sin and gains 1 poyo kirbo has 20% more attack speeed and 20% more basic attack and 20% more armor and reality per poyo on him kirbo can have the amount a max amount of poyo equal to have the stacks of blessings on kirbo
This has a chance to fail against crit ting against enemies above level x.