Knick (from Knick knack)
Description: this little snowman may be stuck inside a snow globe, but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight creeps
Entrance: tries to run into the battle but his snow globe falls on him trapping him
Victory: jumps up and down in excitement
Death: looks at the screen and frowns
Role: back line control
Basic attack: drills into the side of his snow globe giving him X energy
White skill:
Big boom: fantastic damage: sets of a bunch of tnt in the middle of the opponents side shredding X reality
Green skill: Nose nail
Uses his carrot nose as a nail, nailing it into the side of his snow globe stunning enemies for X seconds
Blue skill:normal damage: frosty flare
Uses a flame thrower to light enemies on fire dealing damage over time and knocking them back
Purple skill: Knick Knack
When “Big Boom” is used, the hero with the most debuffs loose 5 of them and those five are given to the enemy with the highest damage
Red skill: Nome sweet Nome
At the start of the battle the enemy with the most reality is stunned and the rest are slowed
Knick and Jack Skelington
Disk:Spook globe: “Frosty Flare” deals splash damage
Jack runs into Knick and doesn’t know what he is so he study’s Knick though he is very confused as to what he wants
Allies:sally lock shock barrel Mickey Mouse
Knick and Ariel
Disk: Hubba Hubba: longer stunning
Knick falls in love with Ariel although Ariel doesn’t reciprocate the same feelings she keeps him around
Allies: king triton Alice Moana