Kung Fu Panda

Well, I know that he is not Disney, but I was eating leftover pizza and realized how easy it would be to make a skillset for Po. So here I am. @TherMasterStitch you may have an extra interest, idk.


“There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness.”

master Po uses a mixture of kung fu and comedy to defeat his enemies.

Entrance: Po leaps in and strikes a pose backwards then leaps around to face the right direction.

Victory: Po pulls out chopsticks with a dumpling and eats it.

Defeat: Po drops tp the ground and his belly shakes vigorously for a few moments before he disappears.

Basic attack: Punches the enemy.I

Role: Tank

Position: Front

White skill: Belly bonk.

Po Slams his belly against the nearest opponent dealing X Normal damage, knocking them back to the wall, draining 25% of their total collected energy and stunning them for 5 seconds.

Green skill: Feet of Fury

Po leaps up and rapidly kicks with his feet knocking back enemies in range and dealing Y fantastic damage.

Blue skill: Rolling Panda

Po rolls through all enemies, knocking them back, dealing X Fantastic damage, and stealing 1 positive effect from each enemy.

Purple skill: Bear Style.

Po deals X more damage to enemies that have been knocked back within the last 5 seconds.

Red skill: Inner Peace.

Rolling Panda now extends the length of effects he steals by five seconds , in addition, as he passes allies, He deactivates one negative effect on each of them.

Boosted stats:

Crit Damage
Skill power
Basic damage


Judy Hopps, Rabbit style?

Po notices a “helpless” rabbit surronded by creeps, he rushes in to help, and after taking care of them offers to train her Kung Fu.

However, Judy surprises him with her already adept fighting style and they trade combat techniques, also discussing various foods, and trying each others dishes.

Disk Level: X basic damage

Disk Stars: Enemies take 20% more damage from skills that deal knockback, if they have been knockbacked in the last 5 seconds.
(+10% per star, +1 second per star)

Merida, Bear Fear.

Po runs into Merida one day, and she freaks out, nearly putting an arrow through him. Po runs away as she chases him shooting arrows, after a while he manages to calm her down and she explains that she has always been afraid of bears.

Po helps show her that he is not scary and at the end of the campaign, they go to a zoo and see a normal bear, Merida’s fear cured.

Disk Level: X armor
Disk Stars: Knockbacked enemies deal 10% less damage to Po’s allies, if they were knockbacked 5 seconds ago.

(+10% per star)

Hope you all enjoyed this concept, and plz note, Although I included a red skill in his skillset, I may not do so for all of my concepts. Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments, or just twll me your thoughts and doubts.

Again, I stress I know that this character is Dreamworks and will never be in this game.



When you say timer it seems like you are talking about the timer of 90 seconds

I mean the amount of time left on the effect before it expires. :slight_smile:

I know. That is why I said “it seems”

Maybe say “Po extends the length of any buffs given to him or his allies”

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I fixed it, not exactly your words cuz he only does it for himself, but I did fix it. :slight_smile::grin:

image https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f3/19/4d/f3194d8fd6313f82c44ffc91891f85c5.gif
Nice! Love that you tagged me!

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