Kuzco is a broken mess and the power system is a joke

I just fought someone in Coliseum who had a Yellow (Y0) rank six star Kuzco on their team. This Kuzco had only 2, level 20, tier one mods (SP and Damage) that obviously had no chosen upgrade. He had no memory disk and was only patch talent level 1. While his four teammates (A Y0 Phoebus, Negaduck, Moana, and R15 Perry the Platypus) died almost the instant the fight began, Kuzco annihilated my team. This, on it’s own isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s what team I had against him that makes this so stupid.
Let’s also keep in mind that this Kuzco has a total power of 2.17M, is only level 250, has skills admittedly maxed out accordingly (White: Lvl250, Green Lvl250, Blue Lvl230, Purple Lvl210, Red Lvl10), has not unlocked Kuzco’s Battle Badge and the user has all four collection bonuses Kuzco benefits from maxed. This user also, I feel like noting, has a Cosmetic Bonus level of 305. The Coliseum Team as a whole (All 15 heroes) has a total power of 34.06M.
Why is this bad? What is wrong with this? I sent in a team of completely Emerald rank heroes. That is 30 ranks above this Kuzco. They all are level 400 and mostly have maxed skills too. They all have max level White, Green, Blue, and Purple skills, but only 3/5 of them have maxed Red Skills. This is 150 levels above this Kuzco. All of them are at least Patch level 3. But 3 of them are Patch level 5. This is 2-4 Patch levels above this Kuzco. They all have 4 mods equipped. 2 more than this Kuzco. Of these 20 mods 13 of them are Tier 11. 3 of them are only Tier 2. This means they are between 1 and 10 tiers above both of this Kuzco’s mods. No Tier 1 Mods and 10 of them are at least level 100. The lowest level mod is Level 40 the highest level one is level 130. So they are between 20 and 110 levels above this Kuzco. All 20 mods also have a chosen upgrade. Unlike this Kuzco. All 5 of these heroes have Level 360 Memory Disks (Max Level). A full 360 above this Kuzco. 4 of these Disks are also 5 stars. One was only 2 stars. But that is still 2-5 stars above this Kuzco. All of them are 6 stars. Perhaps the only even stat. All of them have Battle Badges. Remember this Kuzco didn’t have a Battle Badge. Battle Badges with levels as low as 6 and as high as 31. I think you get the point Kuzco did not have a Battle Badge. Every Battle Badge is enhanced. No Battle Badge = No enhanced Battle Badge. The weakest member of my team has a total power of 679.55M and the most powerful member of the team has a total power of 869.97M. This roughly 400× as much as this Kuzco. Together all 5 members of this team have a combined power of 3.93B. My Coliseum team has a combined power of 8.27B.
I should note as I did above that 8 collections affect my team (The five member one I’ve been talking about) only 2 are maxed. Most of the others are roughly half way through but that is not always the case. I have a Cosmetic Collection Bonus Level of 206.
Yet despite this, this Kuzco annihilated my team in 23 seconds flat.
The fight was over so fast, and it was so hard to tell what even happened that I found it both sad and funny. There has never been a character more broken than Kuzco. What do the power numbers even mean? If I can have more than 400× the numerical power but get completely smeared what was it even for? I get it’s an internal math thing calculated by the game because of certain stats. But, to me it’s always been more of a sense of accomplishment type of thing. It doesn’t actually mean anything. Felt that more here than I ever have in the past five years.
Here have this image from the game showing that Kuzco dealt 2.7T damage in 23 seconds.

So what is the takeaway here? Nerf Kuzco. ASAP. Possibly reduce his damage output by 75-90%. Maybe more, a Y0 dealing 200B (Roughly 10% of 2T) in 23 seconds is still OP. Also add a T to the game. So sick of seeing thousands of Billions instead of seeing Trillions. See it in Invasion every week. Want that to change. Do more testing with characters. Kuzco clearly needed more time to be tested before getting out here.
Ridiculously detailed rant over.


I mean… the most irritating thing of his kit is immunity for basically entire battle after the first cast of his I think blue skill?

To be fair though, he only has this and reflect (if you don´t count the right disk, which is an overkill). If he did not have this, you could practically delete him.

I hate to say it, but I start to dislike characters that are only based around one broken mechanic. And they are starting to be too frequent for my taste.


People said he wasn’t that good he can actually be a threat if not killed

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It’s not just him. Others, like Agent P and Negaduck, are constantly resisting or evading all attacks, while spamming super powerful attacks of their own.

I know Negaduck is an evil jerk and all, but come on! Let me do some damage to him once in a while!

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They were also on this team with Kuzco. But they weren’t a problem at all. Because of how far below in everything they were to my team. Sure when I fight a Negaduck or Agent P that are roughly equal to my team they suck but with Kuzco he can be ridiculously below my team and still destroy them.

it feels like the game gave up on balance a while ago… i had a level 1 white rank character defeat a level 100 orange character… i wish i was joking :sob:


Ese es mi Kuzco jjejejej no sabía que ese personaje pudiese tener tanta capacidad🤗

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Hmm… if his reflect is the problem, then Tron and Pete might be the answers to your prayers, since they can both remove enemy reflects. (Pete’s ability to do so requires upgrading his red skill, but he’ll do it with his basic attacks.)

He definitely needs a fix

You just need to remove his reflect, waste 5 attacks which is 1s with all speed buffs, and he dies.

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