Ladybug (potential concept)

Since Disney just purchased the rights to Miraculous Shanghai, plus season 4 and 5 of Miraculous, this means that potentially, Ladybug could come into the game.

To commerate this occasion, a concept for Ladybug (and two of her friends):


Well… not really.


Please just type this like a normal concept, it´s easier…

Green skill
I think here you could add a variable

Blue skill
You mean stunning?

Purple skill
Purple skills don´t have new animations except revives and dodges (Amelia´s purple)
And if it´s only used once per wave wouldn´t it be better: “The enemy targeted by this skill is instantly KO´d”?

Red skill
Red skills never have new animations :neutral_face:
You have to specify how much basic damage, attack speed and tenacity? (what do you mean by “durability”?) with a percentage
And I think here you should add a variable

Friendship #1
…Friendships never include new animations…
You mean DoT with “healt degeneration”?
You are missing disk power, campaign, disk and allies.
And if you are going to do a friendship with someone that isn´t in the game, you should add the link of the concept you are referring to.

Friendship #2
No new animations…
You mean stunning them?

You are missing source, trial, role, quote, description, and animations.


Green skill variable: Where the team members stand in relation to Ladybug:

Blue Skill
I prefer more precise terminology, they aren’t stunned, just unable to move.

Purple Skill

Lucky Charm does have an animation.

Red Skill
It’s just a buff, no animation.
Durablity=damage resistance.

Sneaky Fox Friendship:
It’s a group wide placate, not a stun.

And I wasn’t going to write three seperate concepts, it’s enough to know they are her Friends.
Also, I couldn’t visualize a Rena Rouge build.

Look, to be honest, I don’t trust the forum’s text edit feature, the first time I wrote a hero concept, I tried to edit it to fix a typographical error and it deleted the entire text!
I wasn’t in the mood to rewrite the concept again, so use pictures to avoid that specific error.
And it’s repeated that error afterwards on other posts.

But you can just save it as a draft.

I meant like: “Blocking the damage may fail if the enemies are above level X”



Well, it sounds like a new animation. Just add the second part and delete the kwaamis thing.

Armore, reality?

As long as I know, you can´t just put friendships that don´t exist as a concept or as a character in the game

If you already typed it, you have the idea in your head, so just re-type it :man_shrugging:

It isn´t that hard to re-type it and tbh, it looks much cleaner


To add to my last feedback, how are you sure Miraculous is bought by Disney? I’m just thinking that you came to that conclusion because Disney is airing Miraculous. Well, I think Disney is just broadcasting the show and not really own the show. Just like how Netflix airs Miraculous but not really own the show.

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Davy’s purple skill? :thinking:

I strongly suggest using Google Docs or some other application.

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Ah yes, that too. Thanks.

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Not frozen, wrapped up in a string.
I don’t now if such a animation exists currently, but I was visuallizing it as the entangled enemy struggling to get out of the string until the immobilization ends.

I think Miraculous fans would be disappointed if Ladybug didn’t use her Lucky Charm animation from the show, so she kind of has to have it.
But probably in a scaled down version, like have the yoyo hover over her head and just make ladybugs, to signify that someone from the enemy team is getting removed.

The Miracle Box holds Kwamis when their Miraculous are not in use, so changing the definition would not be advisable.

In the show, their outfits are made of some kind of experimental armored fabric, also Ladybug says while using a Miraculous “all natural abilities are enhanced”, which would explain how she takes blows that would seriously injure a normal human.
It’s also shown that her reflexes get faster and her strength increases.
Also, a supervillian stole a Miiraculous once and when he used it, his natural powers got even stronger, so Kwamis can enhance superpowers too.

This is how I know:

As I said, they will just broadcast it. But they don’t own it.

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