Legendary boxes not received, wrong info in faq

In faqs under support it is stated that legendary rewards will be applied at the end of rhe season even if you leave your guild or get kicked. I did not receive these boxes even though my previous guild was 6th in legendary when i left. Support is telling me there is nothing that can be dome and basically this is a mistake. Players need to be compensated for the misinformation.

Unfortunately you read it wrong. It clearly states that you receive the season rewards for the guild you’re currently in. So if you leave or are kicked before season ends you don’t get rewarded.

Looks like they changed it after complaints.

The information in the FAQ was not clear, and was incomplete. I edited it this morning after many questions were asked about season rewards.

If a player is in a guild, and they receive the bronze war boxes (for example), the player will still keep those bronze war boxes, even if they leave or are kicked from the guild. Once awards are granted to the player, they are not removed.

When a war, or the season, ends, players are granted rewards based on the guild they are currently in, and their war activity in the current guild. This is to prevent players from hopping from one guild to another to wrack up loads of rewards.

While that makes sense, unfortunately, myself and several other people changed guild after our final war attack so we wouldnt miss the first war boxes for the new season. Its a shame that due to unclear information, many people missed rewards.

Okay but I get this because you didnt actually ever have those boxes since you dont acquire them until the end. That just means you have all the ones up to that

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