Let get to know one another!

The greatest thing about being rickrolled is that I love the music, so I don’t even care


HA! Ads are stronger than you think.


You conveniently put that after us talking about Rick rolls. Your going to need to try harder then that :smiley:

Also the comments after it helped me XD

Reminded me of Harder Faster Stronger from Daft Punk.
My school used to play it all the time
Probably should put it in the music topic but whatever

No. I literally made a rick roll about that

(This was posted before the actual Patch Notes)
75 people clicked it XD

Not touching that :smiley:
Could be a disguised rick roll

How can an image be a rickroll? :thinking:

Yeah… You can only make text links.

How could this:

Be a rickroll? :thinking:

And from that point on, everyone in the forums would try to Rickroll Dove.

And from that point on, dove never fell for it

Only time will be able to tell this…

Some people disguise videos to look like somthing else when it’s a rick roll inside.

You’ll see :slight_smile:

Also should I reveal the answer to my poll?

Yeah, 1 day is usually enough time

Okey dokey. Well the answer was the obvious one.

I write songs

Yes I do! I dont sing them and I’m not famous, I just like to write them. It’s a great way to open your mind.

I've held a real life dove

Yeppers. I’ve held one cupped in my arm before, and they are so cute.

my favourite colour is blue.

Nope. Its white. Couldnt think of a good lie so I chose this instead :smiley:

Thankyou for taking an interest about me everyone :smiley: you guys are the best!


close the poll :eyes:

1 Like

This statement is no longer true :smiley: :+1:

It’s sad how the advert didnt count :smiley:

It´s been some time since I made the last one :woozy_face:

I guess you have to find the lie :thinking:
  • I´ve won a spelling bee in first place :bee:
  • I love horror movies :knife:
  • I once shared my birthday party with my sister :woozy_face:

0 voters

Not to doubt your vocab, but…I think its the lie… maybe…

Their native language is Spanish :upside_down_face:

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