Life death and the negaverse (likely concept)


Stars: :star::star:
Role: frontline damage
“Do you think maybe it’s because I HATE YOU GUYS? That you’re all IDIOTS?!?!
Bio: negaduck uses his faithful chainsaw and weapon horde to obliterate his enemies!

Entrance: negaduck jumps down onto the battlefield and whips out his chainsaw.
Defeat: negaduck’s chainsaw explodes in his face.
Victory: negaduck takes out a rocket launcher and laughs maliciously.
Basic attack: negaduck hits the closest enemy with his chain saw dealing x damage.

White: chainsaw power
Passive: every five times negaduck attacks his chain saw explodes dealing x damage to nearby enemies and making himself invisible for 3 seconds. Then negaduck pulls out a new chainsaw.
Active: negaduck’s chainsaw goes berserk increasing negaduck’s attack speed by 300% until his energy runs out then his chainsaw explodes dealing x damage to all enemies. Then negaduck takes out a new chainsaw and begins attacking normally again.
Green: dynamic dynamite!
Negaduck throws dynamite at his feet dealing x damage to the nearest enemy and making himself invisible for 5 seconds.
Blue: chain mail
Negaduck juggles five chainsaws and throws them at nearby enemies dealing x to every enemy hit
Purple: recycling
every time negaduck explodes a chainsaw he will save it for “chain mail” broken chainsaws used in “chain mail” will do x extra damage
Red: scourge of the sea
After negaduck uses “chainsaw power” (active) he will take out a flaming chainsaw that will deal x extra damage to his enemies

Disk: crime pays
(Negaduck and megavolt steal a priceless treasure from the creeps…)
Negaduck Duck heals by x hp every time he does y damage

Second friendship coming soon!


Where’s is the quote?

I forgot it adding it now

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