Live Chat 11/25

I don’t agree with this - like @Emitz said, one thing that the game could really improve on is rewarding actual time spent in the game, and placing a higher value on… actually playing, versus just buying a couple of cheap deals with more value than you’d get in a month of solid grind.

This wouldn’t really help that :stuck_out_tongue:

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I knew “unlimited” wasn’t quite the right word there!

Perhaps a trade-off, like losing part of the token reward, would work better. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello and sorry for the delay in answer @Matt_PB, but yeah i think that @Pipsqueak and @PawpsicleSticks explained better that will do, the reason why i made it the question. It’s only a why you choose the coliseum teams rather that leave the teams being generated like the Invasion mostly because i see in Reddit or Facebook some complain facing some “special cases” of heroes combos.

Not that I know of, but several PB folks are big fans of DW, so we’ll do our best.


:blush: Yay I love DW that’s the first thing I Rewatched on Disney+ then I watched RobinHood

Which also will you add Prince John & Sir hiss from RobinHood?

And here a Mexican born in 1995 waiting to see it, but is unavailable for now that streaming service same with Gargoyles serie.

Tbh I watched some Gargoyles episodes and hope they come also

So, I want to ask something that it has been referred before but I want to have it clear in my mind. I agree that there’s a ton of amazing disney characters that should be added in the game (we all wait for Kim Possible to come in) but I want to ask if there’s any possibility for Marvel characters to enter to the game (once Disney owns Marvel) and if no, why not?

I know it’s been four whole hours, but I’m new here. How long are QnA’s like this usually open?

I think till the end of the day idk

Is supposed to be closed already but they are being generous with us. Kuddos for that, yes! :+1:


I have a few questions for the game developers before this chat ends:

  1. What inspires you to create this awesome crossover game?

  2. Have you scrapped any characters?

  3. Are there going to be more Disney characters from a Disney TV show that are coming to DHBM besides Darkwing Duck and DuckTales?

  4. What is your favorite Disney character not in DHBM yet?


Btw they answered Number 2

And question 3 I think is a yes considering… Kim Possible hasn’t been scrapped

I wonder? Would Indiana Jones be a character they would be able to add or is that sort of in a gray area? :thinking:

Or is he even still a part of Disney? :joy:

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