Living in the World of Murphy's Law | Milo Murphy (Hero Concept)

Milo Murphy

Despite living in a world where things can go wrong, Milo Murphy uses his legs to walk through everything to make it through the day and make sure life is alright. Although when it comes to enemies there can be an exception.
“Sometimes the interruptions are half the fun, and sometimes they’re mind-bogglingly terrifying."

Entrance: Milo walks and steps to the side as a tire rolls past him.
Victory: Milo does a superhero pose.
Knock Out: Milo sags in defeat.

Role: Control
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Yellow
Damage Type: Normal Damage, Fantastic Damage

-Effects: Fatigue, Stun, Silence, Remove Buff, Charm, Freeze, Blind

+Effects: Energy Self, Energy Team, Reduced Damage Taken, Hardy, Invincible

-Stats: Armor Decrease, Reality Decrease, Basic Damage Decrease, Skill Power Decrease, Attack Speed Decrease, Move Speed Decrease

+Stats: Basic Damage Increase, Skill Power Increase, Tenacity increase, Evasion Increase


:white_circle: Murphy’s Law

The player chooses one of three skills for Milo Murphy to perform when “Murphy’s Law” is activated.

1.A tree falls onto the battlefield as Milo dodges it, the tree then falls onto the enemy team. Each enemy is then dealt x Normal Damage and are Stunned for 15 seconds.

2.Milo runs across the battlefield as a flaming satellite crashes onto the battlefield exploding on the enemy team, dealing 45% of every enemies’ Max HP as Fantastic damage, Stunning them, and reducing their Armor and Reality by 170% for 10 seconds.

3.Milo ducks as a huge torrent of gushing water rages through the enemy team, dealing x Fantastic Damage and reducing their attack speed and move speed by 200% for 8 seconds.

While on auto, Milo Murphy will perform each effect in order and cycle back to the first effect.

The debuffs have a chance to fail on enemies above level x.

:green_circle: Accordion Accomplice

Milo plays his accordion proficiently to turn the tides of the fight. He and all allies gain 400 energy as well as a 150% increase in Basic Damage and Skill Power while all enemies have their Armor and Reality reduced by 250% and are Silenced for 10 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: Diogee Danger

Every 3 seconds, Milo has Diogee bite the enemy with the most buffs. That enemy is dealt x Normal Damage, have 6 random buffs removed, have their Basic Damage and Skill Power reduced by 100%, and are Silenced for 9 seconds.

:purple_circle: An Exceptional Day

When Milo removes an enemy buff, he also removes all of their shields.

After using “Murphy’s Law”, Milo Murphy will immediately cast “Accordion Accomplice”. “Accordion Accomplice” now increases the target’s Tenacity and Evasion by x.

:red_circle: Chaotic Laws

Enemies hit by “Murphy’s Law” now have all of their buffs removed and are replaced by Fatigue while they gain a random Disable for 10 seconds. When an enemy gains a stack of Fatigue, they take 50% of their Max HP as Fantastic Damage.

For every 2 enemy buffs Milo removes, he grants the ally missing the most HP 1000 energy, 10 stacks of Hardy, and a 200% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

The Damage Taken from Fatigue has a chance to fail on enemies above level x.

Disables include Stun, Freeze, Blind, Silence, and Charm.

Additional Stats Boosts:
+x bonus Normal Damage to “Diogee Danger”
+x Skill Power
+x Evasion


Fear: A Nice and Dangerous Life
As Fear is patrolling the city around for anyone who is in need of safety precautions, a tree suddenly falls right in front of him as he almost collapses onto the ground in surprise. Eventually Milo comes along and helps Fear out, now knowing Milo’s everyday conditions regarding the law, Fear decides how to improve Milo’s lifestyle. (And his own sanity probably…)

Grant Invincibility on Allies
Disk Memory: When Milo Murphy basic attacks he grants nearby allies 6 stacks of Hardy. Every 2 basic attacks, Milo Murphy applies Invincibility on the 2 allies with the least HP for 8 seconds.
+x Skill Power
+x Tenacity to Milo Murphy and allies
+x Evasion to Milo Murphy and allies
Allies: Timon & Pumbaa, Joy, Baloo

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew & Beaker: Laws of Stupidity
Milo stops by at the park to hang out with Vanellope and Dash so they can show him the whole city. Unfortunately they aren’t there for some reason, so Milo decides to pass the time despite the birds nearly dropping ice cream on him and huge trees almost falling on him. Undoubtedly, this attracts the attention of Dr. Honeydew and a less interested Beaker as they are fascinated by Milo.

Allies Remove Buffs
Disk Memory: When Milo Murphy uses “Accordion Accomplice”, all allies are able to remove 3 random buffs from enemies they hit with their basic attacks and skills for 20 seconds.
+x Basic Damage to Milo Murphy and allies
+x Skill Power to Milo Murphy and allies
Allies: Jumbaa, Yzma, Voyd

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Nice Concept!

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