As I’ve said in one of my previous Topics, I like to pit a featured Prize Wall Hero, alongside my 4 bottom-level Heroes, in the Elite Campaign, Chapters 1-15 (because gathering supplies). So, without further ado, here’s Luca & Alberto’s Elite Campaign journey!!!
For Day 1, here’s their first teammates:
Btw, this was taken, just after their 2nd and FINAL Port Battle…AFTER their Elite Campaign battles. Thus, you can tell that Mr. Incredible had levelled up, before anyone else.
EDIT: I had to delete my own replies to this topic, just so to prevent me from getting in trouble for possible spamming. SO, to resolve that, I had to post my Elite Campaign teams in this one WHOLE post. Sorry about that, everyone!
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12 (FINAL):