Marcy Wu and The Core ( Remaster, Advice needed )

In Honor of Amphibia’s finale, I present to you, ( the actual, with edits ) Marcy and The Core!

Quote: " I’m Sorry…For Everything…"
Description: Marcy’s team spirit helps her team, and The Core lurks in her cloak and steps in at times
Role: Support ( Marcy ), Damage ( Darcy )
Stars: :star::star:
Enter Animation: Marcy walks in, putting out a fire on her cloak, and clutching her notebook
Winning Animation: Pulls out her console and starts playing ( Marcy ), does a tap dance and twirls around their scythe ( Darcy )
Losing Animation: Gets stabbed by King Andrias and falls to the ground [ Marcy; drops music box if red skill is unlocked ], Eyes on helmet slowly crack ( Darcy )

Basic Attack: Shoots her hand crossbow ( Marcy ), swings her scythe at two enemies ( Darcy )

White Skill: Ran20, Baby!
The core slowly rams the moon into the enemies, dealing X fantastic damage when it lands. This attack will also stun and silence enemies for 2 and 4.7 seconds respectively. Marcy will go into calamity mode, throwing a huge 20 sided dye that ricochets between enemies an amount of time based on how many white skills have been used in the round, doing X fantastic damage per hit. When it’s done ricocheting , the dye will roll a 20, exploding and doing X fantastic damage to all enemies.

Darcy cannot use this skill.

Green Skill: Classic Synergy Buff!
Marcy plays a game on her consle, giving her team entire team 3 buffs from her games.
+20% Damage Dealt for 4 sec
2x faster white skill energy for 4 sec
Cannot take rebuffs for 4 sec
These buffs are multiplied by how many White Skills have been used in the match

Darcy will spin her scythe through every enemy, dealing X true damage to each, and them giving the same buffs as debuffs.

Blue Skill: In The Zone
Marcy sits down and begins to fiddle with a cube, shielding herself from X damage. She traps an enemy in a larger cube, that twists and turns, dealing X fantastic damage for every twist. This also makes the trapped enemy unable to fight. She then frees the enemy from the cube and gives her weakest teammate a shield equal to the damage the enemy took.

Darcy will swing her scythe at an enemy, dealing true damage, giving herself a shield equal to the damage they took and stunning the enemy for 6 seconds

Purple Skill: Plot Twist!
When Marcy dies for the first time, the Core will jump out of her cloak, possessing her into Darcy. Darcy cannot use White skills, and has different skills. Darcy has half of Marcy’s health to start with.

Red Skill: I’m Sorry, for everything
When Marcy dies for the first time, she drops the calamity box, sending a wave of X healing and shields equal to X health to all allies. The healing and shield health is multiplied by 2 for every white skill that has been used that WAVE.


Hero: King Andrias ( Coming Soon )
Episode: It’s Complicated ( Hard )
Allies: Kermit, Honey Lemon, Wasabi.
Disc: Robot Pin
Debuffs given as Darcy now cleanse enemies of buffs.

Heroes: Anne Bounchoy and Sasha Waybright ( Both coming soon; Three-Way friendship )
Episode: Making Amends ( Hard )
Allies: Mr. Incredible, Swedish Chef, Go-Go.
Disc: Bff’s photo
Buffs given by Marcy now cleanse allies of debuffs.

                                 Advice/ Criticism Appreciated!

And one last thanks to Matt Braly, for 3 years of a beautiful, golden show named Amphibia!

    .                     .      Check it Out!
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No they are not a team they are enemies bam.

Thank you for pointing that out! It is fixed :smiley:

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