Marvel Series: The Hulk

Disclaimer: Some skills inspired by Marvel’s Avengers

The Hulk

Stars: :star2::star2:
Quote: “HULK SMASH!”
Position: Frontline
Role: Damage
Team: Red
Entrance: Hulk drops from the sky and roars
Victory: Hulk beats his chest and roars
Defeat: Hulk turns into Bruce Banner
Basic Attack: Hulk punches an enemy

White Skill: Smash and Grab
:game_die: - Varies

Hulk grabs the front most enemy and slams them against the ground three times dealing X damage per slam. He then throws them across the battlefield, knocking back all enemies and doing a different effect for each role.

Tank - Deals Damage
Damage - Lowers Basic Damage and Skill Power
Control - Applies 1 stack of Fatigue to each enemy
Support - Applies 1 stack of Hardy to each ally

Green Skill: Debris Toss
:eight_pointed_black_star: :dizzy: - Basic Damage and Stun

Hulk rips out a part of the ground and chucks it at the farthest enemy, dealing X damage and pinning them against the ground, stunning them for 16 seconds.

Blue Skill: Thunderclap
:eight_pointed_black_star: :stop_button: - Basic Damage, Damage Reduction

Hulk widens his stance for 4 seconds, reducing all damage received by 25%. Hulk then claps his hands together, dealing X damage and all the damage that was negated during the 4 seconds.

If Hulk negates more than 5% of his Max HP while charging Thunderclap, he gains Berserk for 10 seconds

The closest enemy to Hulk is dealt an extra X damage

Purple Skill: Always Angry
:rewind: :anger: - Revive, Berserk

When The Hulk reaches 1 HP, he hits the ground and roars, healing himself for X HP and becoming berserk for 12 seconds.

Red Skill: Gamma Radiation
:anger: :heavy_plus_sign: - Berserk, Healing

When The Hulk uses “Always Angry” or “Thunderclap” all allies are granted berserk for 10 seconds.

Whenever The Hulk or an ally has berserk, they heal X HP over time.

Allies being granted berserk has a chance to fail against allies above level X


The Hulk and Black Widow

“First Date”

Effects from “Smash and Grab” are doubled.
+35% Basic Damage per Star
+Basic Damage
Allies: Mr. Incredible, Megara, Linguini & Remy

The Hulk and Ralph

“Wrecked Beyond Repair”

The Hulk becomes Berserk for 3 seconds per star when he uses “Smash and Grab”
+Max HP
Allies: Felix, Mushu, Slinky Dog

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  • Hawkeye

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Excellent concept I thought it would not work and remembered diseny and marvle are cool with each other

Disney owns Marvel :neutral_face:


I forgot okay :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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