"Master of the Mystic Arts" - Doctor Strange Unlikely Concept

“Master of the Mystic Arts” - Doctor Strange Unlikely Concept

Name: Doctor Strange

Description: Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, will use his knowledge in magic to defeat his enemies.

Quote: “I need you to come with me. Oh, congratulations on the wedding by the way.”


Trial Team: Red

Role: Control

Position: Mid

Stars: :star::star:

Availability: Doctor Strange will be available in the next Challenger Event.


Entrance: Doctor Strange walks through a portal and he hits his hands, activating his magic.

Basic Attack: Doctor Strange shoots a magic blast to the enemies, dealing X damage.

Victory: Doctor Strange floats in midair.

Defeat: A portal passes and Doctor Strange dissappears.


:white_circle: White Skill: Time Mess
Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to move time either back or forward. If the enemy team has more HP left than his team, Doctor Strange moves the time back, clearing all enemies from all the buffs applied to them the last 10.0 seconds and decreasing their attack speed by 60%. If the enemy team has less HP left than him team, Doctor Strange moves time forward extending the buffs of himself and his allies currently applied to them by 10.0 seconds and increasing their attack speed by 60%.

The skill has a chance to fail to enemies and allies above level X.

:green_circle: Green Skill: Lighting Magic Up
✨Fantastic Damage
Doctor Strange casts a spell and an orange lightning wave strikes the ground through the enemy team, dealing X damage and stunning them for 7.0 seconds.

Stun has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: Astral Attack
✨Fantastic Damage
When an ally reaches 95% of their energy, Doctor Strange grabs that enemy with a magic string and draws them to him and then hitting them, separating their astral form from their body, dealing X damage to that enemy and stunning them for 10.0 seconds.

Doctor Strange can use the skill once every 20.0 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: Master of the Mystic Arts
Doctor Strange gains X extra energy every time he uses his basic attack or any of his skills.

:red_circle: Red Skill: Sorcerer Supreme
For the first 5.0 seconds of each wave, Doctor Strange will blinde his enemies.

All Doctor Stranger’s attacks deal X extra fantastic damage and have a 50% chance to crit.

Additional Stat Boosts:
+X Skill Power
+Y Tenacity
+2.0 extra seconds in stunning


Allies: Ian Lightfoot, Gonzo, Emperor Zurg
"Spellbook Theft"
‘Time Mess’ also heals Doctor Strange by X HP.
+X extra damage in ‘Astral Attack’
+Y Max HP

Hero Mastery Collections

  • Control
  • Marvel
  • Stun

Would this be unlikely? Disney owns marvel.

Good guess but actually no

PerBlue has stated in the past that they have no intention of adding Marvel characters to this game, so yes, this would be unlikely.


Unfortunately! :sweat_smile:


Would love to see marvel and Star Wars in here lol

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