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oh what? Why can’t it be Bruno, Mirabel, Luisa, King Mufasa or Mai? Dude Voyd’s not an actual main character that we see in the movie we only see here tiny bit

We saw Underminer even less yet he is here…


The game launched with Finnick, Yax, and Zurg, all of whom are comparable to Voyd in screen time and plot importance. :man_shrugging:


That’s because she’s facing the creeps, obviously. A good number of heroes have angry faces.


That’s not how it works…


Hiding spoilers for a 4-year old film. Nice.


There’s a lot of these types of characters in the game, and I hate it. It feels like filler.

There’s a lot of supporting characters in the game and some may have had less screen time but they got good skills

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Heroes are fuel. if they’re picky about what goes into the tank, their engine is gonna die.

Besides people have requested Voyd many times.

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Aumenten el número de misiones por favor!! 20 es muy poco!!

Oh, so 6 in total. I see. Gotcha!:+1:

meh gotta be grateful :innocent:

@Loutre Found a mistranslation… her green skill says, in French, that she drop a damage-role toon in the middle of ennemies.

My guildmates (english and german), checked and it says tank-role for them

Héros ravageurs = Damage toon
Héros protecteurs = tank

l imagined Voyd was going to show up in the game today!

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What again?

Oh, and, this topic can be now closed…
[Voyd spotlight mention]

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