Mega Mart now selling BLUE badge bits?

I’ve had a feeling for a while that the probabilities of getting good things from the mega Mart have been declining for a while now. It’s never been mentioned in patch notes but it’s one of those “behind the scenes” kind of changes that I don’t think PerBlue likes to talk about. Well today, see what great treasures the mega Mart had to offer.

That’s a refresh after another blue badge had been offered to me. Is the mega Mart slowly becoming as useless as gold crates?


I think the ‘for gold’ items are there as a token afterthought just so that PB can say that items for gold are being offered. The diamond items are the ones they actually want people to buy - which also, are mostly poor value :expressionless:


Mine doesn’t have blue badge bits; could be just you.

However, I’ve hit yellow and the only purpose of buying all this is for crafting purposes.

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There aren´t that many blue bits, so the likelihood of Mega Mart spawning one of them is fairly low. However, I believe that those 2 spots are kind of dependent upon the needs for characters so they can spawn much more in early ranks.

You can easily count the chance of having one blue bit appearing out of the two spots and the same way after a refresh.

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