Merc costs too much, out of balance with state of game

This has been discussed but not attended to and the issue is seriously worse, especially in creep surge. For example, i clear 2.5B regularly, get a paltry ~100 surge coins, and pay ~90m for mercs, then get 130m total (initial payout plus final). Thus a grand total of 40m. Others in my top 20 guild don’t break even so are starting to stop playing surge at all. I haven’t spent surge coins for few years (except the few that go to war sabotage) and I have a paltry 100k saved. In contrast, 1M city watch and 2m bazaar saved and I spend those coins often.


I don’t really understand the first part. What 2.5B?

Anyway, the best way to earn gold in Surge is either soloing easy lines (if you have any) OR raiding the highest you can with some higher mercs.

I do agree that mercs cost too much tho, especially since the spots give you roughly 1/10 worth of gold for power (aka 100M line gives about 12M gold at best), while mercs cost 1/2 worth of gold for power (so a 55M hero costs 28M gold to hire).
The merc cost should be lowered to the same ratio as the surge districts give @Loutre. Far too uneven now. Well, it was always fairly uneven, but it’s striking now.

Merc cost was reasonable before they decided to decrease surge gold by half :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: saying people have too much gold :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I really really doubt they will decrease Merc cost…because they ALWAYS are afraid we have too much :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

even back then it was like 1/4 or 1/3… the merc costs would reach the gains from districts at some point anyway… cutting it to 1/9 or 1/10 did the job much faster

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