Merging servers is a huge mistake

After the merger, we have more than 5000 people on the server. people just can’t find places in guilds. as I wrote earlier, players who don’t pay to play will simply leave and they leave. but players like me also leave. I am a top 100 player in terms of power. you just spat at the players and it’s not interesting to play this game. everything suited us on the 5th server, we thought that there was not enough online and it would increase a little, but 5000 minimum players is too much.
I paid every month and now I have no desire to play this at all… pb, I’m very disappointed in you…


Is that too many alliances?

I’ve never approved of server merges, because one day, I may end up on a server with toxic players who are currently isolated from me due to being on another server.

yeah… too late for that.


There’s more, but, how more players make it worse? More players, more guilds, easier to find a guild and members to them.
Players are leaving but that’s because nothing new is getting added and the game got repetitive.

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Merging servers is annoying.

My server dying a slow death through attrition is worse.

Not sure what other options there could be. :man_shrugging:

In my personal experience, more players=more toxic individuals.
A sad truth of gaming.

Also, just because there is an alliance doesn’t necessarily make them a good one.
In mobile gaming, I have to try several alliances before I find the good one and sometimes I joined one with a toxic leader without knowing it.

This game gets 2 new playable characters per month, which is better then my other mobile game which only averages 1 every 6 weeks.

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People who join new server (25) I guess is 75% came from older server lol
They just made account and leave it untill merge happen in the future
So expected more income from them?

1000 players is the maximum that should be on 1 server. it’s 20 guilds, how many more? 5000+ is a HUGE OVER…

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I don’t follow the logic.
The people I’m top guilds of server 2 and server 5 might not be as strong as the top couple guilds of server 1, but the middle guilds on all three servers should have other guilds that they can compete with.

So the merge might not be totally targeted to you but it should promote server health over all.

It will be harder to win but maybe it will be more satisfying when you start to win. Or you could give up and try to merge with a different guild.

competition is good, but competition must be adequate. Do you have any idea how many guilds we have? more than 100. this is a sick competition.
the developers just took and threw out all those who do not pay for the game. they leave in droves. I went to one guild - they didn’t go for more than half of 2 weeks, I went to another - the same thing, I went to third - the same. I wrote about this even before the merger, that it is good for those who pay, , but those who do not pay will simply leave the game. why was it done? it’s just a spit on the players.
I’m shocked by the company, how can you do this? no ok, if you increase the guild limit to 100… and even that is a lot for one server.
I left the game, and this is minus money for the company.
not only do they not update the game, but they drive more and more into purchases, but also like a herd of pigs they drove us to 1 square meter so that we would stand on each other’s heads.


I was from s24 merged into s23. Some issue for now is that lots of Russian players completely take over VIP chat all day, and they talk about adult stuff which aren’t automatically filtered/ censored for some reason. Feels very unwelcome and awkward every time i want to initiate a conversation there

Why would I need 2 new characters a month? Of the n-tuple characters, how many do I use in a month?
The 9 I use for Invasion have little overlap with the 15 i need for the Arena. And nobody outside of the top 15 ever fight in the campaigns.
New heroes just push everyone else back. Of what use are the 70-odd heroes who never fight? A new player will get new heroes, they just will not know the new hero is miles from being in the Meta.

Whether or not we use them, the fact is they are given to us.
Bagherra comes with some new mechanics, so he’ll be helpful in a new way.

I don’t use everyone either, but if they give me a character I really want (doesn’t happen often) with good gameplay mechanics, I’ll upgrade that character to near maximum power.

That has happened to me as well, players talking about very inappriopriate topics.
So another reason to be concerned about a merge bringing those chatters into my chat areas.

It sounded like they all lost in war to Castle, cobras and den of dragons.

There is room for free to play and pay to play people. In theory the war match-up should put similar power and skill guilds against each other.

The only place that won’t work is top 20 guilds.

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