Mirage (Incredibles Comic) Concept

Inspired by the comic version of Mirage:


Does this deal damage or is it purely just an animation?

How long is she invisible for?

This doesn’t make much sense for a Purple Skill. What would the variable be?

Red Skills don’t have new animations like this.

How would this work? Does one shot deal normal damage and then the next fantastic and so on?

Also, it’s very unclear what you are upgrading in each of the skills and friendships. Try including variables so you can be specific about what is being upgraded.


The green skill deals damage, it’s not an animation.

Mirage is invisible for as long as her current attack cycle lasts, whether it’s shooting, White Skill or Kicking/Punching.

The game doesn’t define faster or evasion very well, it just happens.
Like say, theorectically, Mirage will get in two standard shots for every one of her enemy and have a 50% chance to evade damage completely.

There is no animation for the Red Skill, otherwise you’d see nothing but a silver blurr onscreen.
It’s just a passive buff Mirage is applying, would probably be indicated by a mirror symbol above the team, to show she’s buffing them up.

Her right pistol deals normal damage, the left pistol fantastic damage, she’s using both of them simultaneously.

Mr Incredible is increasing the damage Mirage deals when she kicks and punches.

Syndrome is giving her guns fantastic damage.

I love this idea! Clever work integrating the comics version of Mirage.

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