Misleading Wording on Flynn Deal

I purchased the Flynn deal which states that you can either unlock or promote him with your purchase of $19.99.

I neither unlocked or promoted Flynn.

From what I have gathered this is not the first time this language has been used for these types of deals. If so, it’s a huge misrepresentation and a breach of whatever trust I had built in the game.

As a result I am less likely to purchase future offers as I will be wondering if I will actually get what is stated in the offer or be tricked again.


I definitely agree the wording is misleading, but it does clearly show the amount of chips you will receive. You can’t really say you were tricked. A 3 star character requires 80 chips to unlock so if that isn’t the amount shown, that tells you it will not unlock him.

Always check how many chips you get in the offer! I get that the wording might be misleading, but I always click on the hero icon in that offer to see how many chips he needs to be unlocked. Flynn starts out as a 3 star, so you’ll need about 80 chips to unlock him.

Newer players do not know that, so it is not their fault for being mislead

I actually checked the Flynn deal wording and it never said what the OP said that you can “Unlock him” with just 30 chips. They might have fixed it by this time, but I didn’t see a patch note so I expect not. It’s why I expect it’s not misleading but the OP simply misread the offer.

Even if the wording is misleading, all the info is available to know what you’re getting. The heroes screen shows how many chips you need. Anyone who’s played for 1 day should be able to understand how unlocking a character works. Just like anything else in the world it’s up to you to know what your buying before blindly purchasing something. If not 100% sure, ask here, in chat, or on the reddit first.

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I agree

“but common sense is not common” :stuck_out_tongue:

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