Miss Kitty Concept (Unlikely)

Miss Kitty (The Great Mouse Detective, 1986)

Miss Kitty is a talented performer who knows how to use the stage to her advantage.

“Let me lift the mood with my attitude.”

Stars: :star:

Type: Backline Control

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Miss Kitty walks in slowly and powerfully.

Victory: Miss Kitty briefly throws up her hands in celebration, then returns them to her sides and poses smiling.


Defeat: Miss Kittys face droops and she looks disappointed.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Lift The Mood”
Passive: For Miss Kitty’s basic attack, she points at the ally with the lowest percent remaining health, healing them for 10% of their max health. After 20 seconds of combat have elapsed, Miss Kitty changes into her Showgirl Form. [Note: This is her blue burlesque-like costume]

Active: Miss Kitty winks at the enemy team, Charming one random enemy for 14 seconds. Enemies Charmed by Miss Kitty gain X basic damage and have their attack speed increased by 30% for the remainder of the Charm. This Charm cannot be Dodged or Evaded.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Keep Off”
Normal Damage :fist:
Whenever an enemy comes within melee range of Miss Kitty, she casually kicks them away, dealing X normal damage and Knockback. If the damaged enemy is not Charmed, Miss Kitty steals up to 2 random buffs from the damaged enemy and applies them to herself for 8 seconds. This skill can be used once every 7 seconds when an enemy comes within Melee range of Miss Kitty.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Tear-Away”
When Miss Kitty enters each wave, all enemies are Distracted by her for 8 seconds. When Miss Kitty changes into her Burlesque Form, all enemies are Distracted for 12 seconds and lose X armor and reality for 16 seconds. While in her Showgirl Form, Miss Kitty’s evasion is increased by 50%.

Evasion increase is less effective against enemies above level X.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “So Dream On”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
If Miss Kitty is in her Burlesque Form, “Lift The Mood” can Charm one additional, random enemy for the same amount of time. Anytime a Charm from Miss Kitty ends, the selected enemy takes X fantastic damage.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “With Attitude”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Anytime a Distracted enemy damages Miss Kitty, that enemy takes fantastic damage equal to 10% of what they dealt initially.

If Miss Kitty hits a Distracted enemy with “Keep Off,” the Distract ends and the enemy is instead Charmed for 9 seconds. After a Charm with this skill ends, the selected enemy is Stunned for 4 seconds.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X skill power

  • +Y temacity

  • +Z “Keep Off” damage


Miss Kitty and Miss Piggy: Funding The Arts

Deal more damage to Charmed enemies

Disk Power

  • +X tenacity to Miss Kitty and all allies

  • +Y basic damage to Miss Kitty and all allies

  • +Y skill power to Miss Kitty and all allies


  • Miss Kitty and all allies deal 30%/60%/90%/120%/150% more damage to Charmed enemies

Allies: Minnie Mouse, Cinderella, Princess Eilonwy

Miss Kitty and Esmerelda: Find Your Flock

Heal big after a Charm ends

Disk Power

  • +X max health

  • +Y damage increased with “Lift The Mood”

  • +Z armor to Miss Kitty and all allies

  • +Z reality to Miss Kitty and all allies


  • Anytime a Charm from Miss Kitty ends, Miss Kitty is healed equal to 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% of her max health and the selected enemy loses -100 tenacity for the remainder of the wave

Allies: Kermit, Taran & Hen Wen, Bambi


Good concept :+1:


I watched The Great Mouse Detective the other day!

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