After the update of the Epic City Watch, I’ve noticed that Moana only puts a shield for herself. I would find that normal, except I’m using the Mickey Disc, so she should have a shield around an ally. But I tried with every enemy, and every group of heroes and she’s only putting a shield around herself. I feel like this is a bug because I feel like the Disc is broken. Can PureBlue please make sure that this is fixed? I’m on Server 1
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Is her power level lower than all the others? That could be a possible explanation. I know it’s not suppose to do that but that mistake could be causing the issue.
I tested it, and no. She put a shield on the weakest ally for me.
She’s at the same level as my team level
I meant her power value. Like, my Moana has a power value of 64,767. But that doesn’t seem to matter. In my test she had the lowest power of the five heroes I used when the Mickey disc was equipped and she still shielded another ally.