I do coordinate this with my guild. I also coordinate the coordinators, so nobody gets burnt out. It keeps it fun, positive, and energized rather than draining. I don’t “discipline” people for rogue attacks. I reach out, it a friend in leadership reaches out, to make sure they understand and also make sure we understand their goals. Do they have to attack early because of their time zone? We’ll find an appropriate target for them. Are they scared about looking bad? We explains that we care about effort and process, not outcome.
So far we’ve had 5 people with random attacks. Last gw, only 1. And they may go, but only because they’re not responding to PMs.
It’s not hard to build an environment of communication and collaboration. It takes consistency, transparency, and bring willing to admit when someone else had a better idea. If you go in with a “discipline” mindset, nobody will listen or have fun.