Mr. Icicle and Mr. sun (Christmas concept and imo my best skill icons)

Heat miser and snow miser hero concept
With heat and cold, the miser brothers dance into battle ready to bicker and fight
Quote: Friends call me Snow Miser , whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch.

Team: yellow
Position: midline
Role: control

Basic attack: snow miser will shoot snow at the creeps or heat miser will shoot fire at the creeps
Entrance: dance into position
Defeat: both do something similar to this
Victory: heat miser laughs while snow miser spins


White skill: mr. -10 and mr. 101

Snow miser freezes two creeps, after about 14 seconds heat miser breathes fire at them, dealing Y damage and stunning them for 10 seconds

Green skill: melt in my clutch

Heat miser takes out his heat ray device and blinds the creeps and deals X damage

Blue skill: snow funny business

Snow miser dances while shooting ice, his dance heals allies by Y and the ice deals damage to the creeps by X

Purple skill: heat block

At 30 seconds in all rounds heat miser will shoot fire at all attacks the creeps use on him, meaning him and snow miser will dodge all attacks from creeps for 12 seconds, he also gains X more energy for who’s white skill while this is active

Red skill: they’re to much

The miser brothers basic attack now deals Crit damage.

Each time snow miser freezes and enemy they are frozen for 2 more seconds and when heat miser thaws them out of the ice they are dealt X more damage

If the brothers are defeated all allies will be given X health

  • X basic damage
  • X energy gain
  • X damage to melt in my clutch


Heat miser and snow miser/olaf
Disk: mr. Icicle and mr. Snowman
All freezes will last 4 seconds longer
Allies: Flynn Ryder, wall e, Donald

Heat miser and snow miser/hades
Disk: mr. Sun and mr. Death
All basic attacks now deal 45% more damage
Allies: anger, bunsen & beaker, Oogie

There is one more Christmas hero concept, and it isn’t Scott Calvin, it’s buddy the elf. Scott was canceled to make these two and buddy the elf will come out on Christmas Eve (around 12:00 pm ct).


Please post all feedback

Concepts releasing in January (guess who they are through emojis)
:adult:‍:microscope: :microscope::smiling_imp:
:mouse::mouse: :brain::purple_circle:
:fox_face: :pirate_flag:

Don Karnage?

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I wouldn’t say Don Karnage is a fox


It was the only orange dog like emoji

The third one is Pinky and the Brain

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Nope, but I may do them at some point

Canceling buddy the elf concept because I don’t have enough time to make him, but I made his skill icons so I’ll show you them:

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