Mr. Smee
Peter Pan
Stats and Information
Role - Damage
Trial Team - Red
Position - Front
Stars At Beginning - 1
Quotes - “But Captain, wouldn’t it be more humane-like to slit his throat?”
Bio - This First Mate is here in the city and he’s brought reinforcements. His crew of pirates will slash up the enemies and destroy the competition.
Entrance - Mr. Smee walks into battle while whistling
Victory - Mr. Smee jumps up and clicks his heels together
Defeat - Mr. Smee rows off screen. Any pirates still alive throw their knives at him.
Basic Attack - Mr. Smee pounds his foot on the ground.
White Skill - Pipe Up The Crew
Mr. Smee blows his whistle three times silencing all enemies for 12 seconds. He summons 1 pirate each time he whistles. The pirates have x max hp and deal x damage with their own attack. Mr. Smee gets 1 stack of hardy each time he summons a pirate.
Green Skill - Row Your Boat (Fantastic Damage)
Mr. Smee quickly jumps in his rowboat and rows through enemies and off the battlefield dealing x damage to each enemy he hits. He reappears in the battle a few seconds later.
Blue Skill - Do Not Distrub (True Damage)
Mr. Smee hits the closest enemy with a hammer dealing x damage and stunning them for 10 seconds.
Purple Skill - All Hands on Deck
Summoned pirates have x more hp and deal x more damage for each other pirate in battle.
Red Skill - Aye Aye Captain
"Do Not Disturb" now saps the hit enemy for 12 seconds.
"Row Your Boat" increases Mr. Smee’s movement speed by 50% for the rest of the wave.
"Pipe Up The Crew" increases Mr. Smee’s max hp x each time he summons a pirate.
- x skill power
- x Max hp
- x Fantastic crit
Mr. Smee and Jack Sparrow
Name - Trapped Captain
Description - “Do Not Disturb” deals damage over time while stunned
- "Do Not Disturb" deals x damage over time for the duration of the stun.
- x skill power
- x armor
- x reality
Mr. Smee and Wasabi
Name - Quick Cuts
Description - Pirates shatter enemies
- Pirates have an x% chance to shatter enemies for 3 seconds when they are hit with their basic attack.
- x Max hp for pirates
- x skill power for pirates