Mrs Calloway, Maggie and Grace

Mrs Calloway, Maggie and Grace

Source: Home on the range


Stars: :star2:

Quote: Mrs. Calloway: Maggie, may I be frank?
Maggie: Only if you let me wear the hat.

Position: Front

Role: Damage

Trial: Red


Entrance: They walk to their position.

Victory: They dance happily like this:

Defeat: They make this faces:

Basic attack: Maggie kicks the closest enemy with her paw.


:white_circle: White skill: Give me the hat! - Normal damage :fist:
Maggie throws the hat of Mrs Calloway to the mostback enemy, then Mrs Calloway runs angry through the enemies, dealing X damage to all the enemies she passed through, then she stamps with the enemy that has her hat dealing X extra damage to them, then Mrs Calloway walks to her position.

:green_circle: Green skill: Wagon - Normal damage :fist:
At the start of each wave Maggie, Mrs Calloway and Grace enter in a wagon passing through all the battlefield, dealing X damage to the enemies and stunning the most wanted enemy for 8 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: Blue skill: “Beautiful” singing
Grace starts singing silencing the three most wanted enemies for 8 seconds and increasing the attack and movement speed of them and their allies by 50% for 8 seconds, the silence may fail if the enemies are above level X.

:purple_circle: Purple skill: No charming
Mrs Calloway, Maggie & Grace and her allies are immune to charms in the first 7 seconds of each wave, the immune to charms may fail if the enemies are above level X.

:red_circle: Red skill: Calmed down
When Mrs Calloway comes back to her position after using “Give me the hat!” she cleans all the disables and debuffs from them and her allies, this can be used each two times they activate “Give me the hat!”, the most wanted enemy receive 35% more damage from all sources, the clean of disables and debuffs may fail if the allies are above level X.


Mrs C, M & G/ Maximus
Disk: Another from the city
Campaign: Are you the spare?
Allies: Miguel, Belle and Robin Hood
Buff: The silence of “Beautiful singing” lasts 1 second more
+1 second per star
Disk power:
+X HP for allies in the red team
+Z Reality

Mrs C, M & G/D&B
Disk: A bit crazy
Campaign: Lets go to the fair
Allies: Bo beep, Baymax and Sulley & Boo
Buff: When Mrs Calloway stamps with the enemy that has her hat she also stuns that enemy for 4 seconds
+1 second per star
Disk power:

Created by:@Rinoxer0nte and @Oficial_Mickey_M


Hoove, they aren’t cats.

Besides that, I like it!


Nice work :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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