Mrs. INCREDIBLE / Elastigirl

When did Elastigirl get renamed to Mrs. Incredible? What the heck?

The post is kinda useless, However Elasticgirl is Mrs. Incredible but when Elasticgirl got married to Mr. Incredible she changed her name to Mrs. Incredible even though she still is Elasticgirl which is seen in the second movie


In the game.

Last update. Nobody knows why.


Pointless, perhaps but in multiple years the in-game character name was Elastigirl. In searching for character name now in-game her new name is Mrs. Incredible. I don’t recall reading any patch notes about her name change, so was asking if anyone had more information or if I simply missed it.

DC Comics introduced a character called Elasti-Girl in 1963 as part of a new superhero team called Doom Patrol, but she hadn’t been used in a couple of decades at the time Brad Bird was developing The Incredibles, so he didn’t know about it. Once someone discovered DC’s earlier claim to the name, Pixar had to work out an agreement with AOL Time Warner to continue using the name, with apparently some restrictions on how it could be used outside of the movie itself.

My guess is that either someone from Warner Bros. Discovery noticed that Elastigirl was in DHBM and sent a nasty note to Disney, or someone at Disney just got worried that might happen, and they forced PerBlue to make the change. It all seems silly to me, but no more so than much of copyright and trademark law.

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But did that happen to other games…?

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I don’t play any other Disney mobile games, so I can’t say whether they’ve made the same change, or if they end up making the change with a future update.

Would have been nice as a hidden feature / Easter egg to still be able to search elastigirl and have her show up instead of smacking head on wall and having to turn the Incredibles filter on to see her.

Woah is me.

Oddly enough, she dosen’t stretch. She just grows. It’s really false advertisement on DC’s part.

The answer they gave me… no big surprise… LOL

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