Mufasa (Character Suggestion)



White Skill: Mighty Roaarr!!!(Fantastic Damage✨)
Passive: Instead of a basic attack, mufasa pounces in front of an enemy stunning them for 2.5 seconds

Active: Mufasa roars in the battlefield, giving all enemies scared and giving them Snared, this skill is active till his energy is gone.

Green Skill: Lion’s Orders
Whenever an ally is below 80% Max HP, Mufasa gives advice and orders to all allies to be strong and be brave. The inspiration gives all allies 100% Attack and Movement Speed for 8 seconds, the ally that is below 80% gets 2% HP per second for 5 seconds.

This can happen once per ally

Blue Skill: Spirit Guidance
Whenever Mufasa is K.O’d, he resurrects as Spirit Mufasa. Spirit Mufasa stays in the battlefield for the rest of the wave and cannot gain debuffs, Spirit Mufasa gives allies invincibility and 2 stacks of Hardy. The Invincibility lasts for 8 seconds while the Hardy lasts till it is used

Purple Skill: Generation of Lion’s(Fantastic Damage✨)
Every 5 seconds, Spirit Mufasa roars to enemies calling in The Whole Lion Family Generation. The Roar of the whole Lion family, reduces all enemies movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds, it also scares enemies and knock’s them back

Red Skill: The Greatest Lion King
Mighty Roar now charms enemies for 12 seconds

The charms has a chance to fail if the enemy is below level X

+X Skill Power
+25% reduced Movement Speed from Generation of Lion’s

Friendship Disks:
Scar: Brotherly Bonding
Enemies scared from any source get stunned for / 3.5 / seconds

If added a star: +0.5 seconds

Simba and Nala: Fatherly Advice
When Simba uses Lion’s Orders, he heals the / 1 / of the most weakest allies giving them 5% HP per second for / 2.5 / seconds

If added a star: +1 ally, +1.5 second

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This got edited in front of me oh my
Some issues:

for how long? (extend the sentence so it says “every 10 seconds for [duration] seconds”)
Also, that’s not how evasion works, seems like a very weak hardy. Maybe “2 stacks of hardy” instead of “2 stacks of evasion?” Plus, evasion evades disables, not debuffs

+X Max HP

its supposed to be a number that increases as disk stars increase (like “3.5 seconds + 3.5 seconds per star”, which is usually the rule)
also, a second friendship is required.

You have a fine concept here, though, just get everything fixed up.


What snared s effect ?

Also, the picture is not Mufasa. That’s Simba

I am very sorry, the discourse wouldn’t let me upload a picture of Mufasa, I’m still looking

Thank u for making a reply or adjustments, I’m still new to this. So thank u very much.

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